Long-term effects of COVID-19 given name by experts, Fauci

Just kidding. Mods, lighten up. This place is already dark enough.

Seriously though.

When Ed Hornick first came down with COVID-19 symptoms last January, he assumed that one day he’d feel better. But a year later, like millions of others who contracted the virus, he’s still sick. This torturous cycle of debilitating brain fog, fatigue and muscle pain — which Hornick, a senior editor at Yahoo News, recently wrote about — has been referred to by mostly informal names thus far, such as “long COVID.”

I think that these PASC patients will get a lot more attention than us, so it would probably be good news if potential parallels existed for our sake. If this similarity exists, I hope it’s reversible.

And jesus what is up with doctors telling patients that everything is between their ears? It’s like ever since I have PFS I hear about it everywhere these days. I truly don’t understand what goes on inside the mind of the doctor who tells an ex-COVID patient with chronic symptoms that they are ‘neurotic’. I mean, as if you really know anything about COVID at all! You just follow the instructions based on what actual researchers have been able to tell you and everything else is a complete mystery. So how on earth are you drawing the conclusion that your patient is neurotic if you have no clue about all the other things that could be going on?

Don’t these people learn in med school that they have to take patients seriously and treat them? What is wrong with admitting that you don’t know something or that the situation is outside of your particular field of expertise, does it make you look weak as a doctor or something? Can’t these people at least give some proper advice about going to a different specialist instead of throwing in the towel and telling someone to turn themselves in at a psych ward. I mean are these people actually taught in med school to be cocky and throw in highly inappropriate suggestions when they don’t immediately know the answer? If going by the book is supposedly so important for these doctors then maybe they should think of ‘psychosomatic’ as the very last possibility and not almost the first. Or only once they have actual grounds to believe a patient has a history of serious mental issues, instead of labeling someone mentally ill on the spot for no other reason than their own ignorance.

It’s like these doctors are such succesful people throughout their entire lives, succesful at school, succesful at work, succesful at walking the assembly line, that they have been ‘right’ so many times in their life that they forget they could possibly be wrong. I guess there’s no one there to punish their ass if they just send a patient away with some faulty diagnosis because it saves them difficult thinking and they get paid by the hour anyway.

Three years ago I couldn’t imagine myself having such a low opinion on doctors and other medical professionals, but my god has my trust in these people profoundly dwindled. Some of these doctors really need to be scolded for their attitude and told to step up their f*cking game.

rant over


I absolutely can’t wait to get the vaccine. I’m fully quarantined and looking forward to getting out of the house. Unfortunately I’m in the last group getting it

I would rather die than take an experimental covid vaccine.

There is noway I’m taking that shit unless someone holds me down.



Retinoic acid depletion syndrome theory due to covid.

Id link it but I’m on a tablet.

Sort of saying covid is a storm of RA then a depletion. Recommending a reduced breakdown of RA to treat covid.

I wonder if this has been disproven?
Maybe name for long-term effects should be PAS

Awesome. I just don’t expect ‘laughing-tape comedy’ to have this kind of substance.

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It is honestly ridiculous.

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I had covid a month ago. Sense of smell still hasn’t come back (it was already diminished by PFS). Hoping that I don’t have to add another stupid acronym to my list of problems.

I agree with you although I’m a Golden Girls fan. I recently purchased the fifth season on Amazon and this episode resonated. Being a niggly, fickle pedant, the Golden Girls is definitely head and shoulders above most of its type and was I believe recorded in front of, to quote Cheers here, “a live studio audience”, so there is some authentity there.