Link Between DHT, Motor Nuron Death ALS

Studies have found that both male and female athletes in aggressive contact sports have higher testosterone levels (Pillay, 2006).
This is similar to what happens when we take fina and it causes testosterone to rise

Melchangi’s 2014 study found lower DHT in the CNS of PFS patients compared to controls
and higher 3a-diol in CNS of PFS patients compared to controls.

“In our study, we have demonstrated significantly decreased CSF dihydrotestosterone levels in both male and female ALS patients. More importantly, all ALS patients studied had decreased CSF dihydrotestosterone pointing to this being an important contributing factor to ALS pathogenesis”

“Based on data from the above studies, we postulate the following hypothesis-DHT or one of its metabolites is probably integral to survival of motor neurons and in ALS, it is lack of DHT in the motor neurons which leads to their death”

This ALS study also mentions that DHT does not cross the BBB easily and for this reason high plasma DHT levels don’t increase CNS DHT levels in people who have low CNS DHT levels

I want to get the PFS groups exact DHT CNS levels from Melchangi’s 2014 study and compare them to the ALS group’s CNS levels in this study. If it’s even possible to do depending on units of measurement/method of measurement

Certainty not good news for us.
Decreasing DHT is such a bad idea. Wish I had a time machine. I think all the time about an opt out of life plan if I’m ever diagnosed with something like ALS. I have accepted spending the rest of my life trying to recover from this shit. But once that diagnoses is made it’s over. Zero chance of ever recovering. In that situation I need like an exit life plan as messed up as it sounds. After seeing serotonin cure my constipation I just know it’s neurotransmitters and neurosteriods for me. Shitty to think about but reality is reality