Limited Prelim Tests (Quint). Please help!


Been off fin for 8 months, and suffer from nearly all of the main sides listed by others. Am scheduling blood tests for next month, because the first doc only was willing to do a few. But some results of concern anyhow, though. This is what they brought about:

TSH 1.55 mu/L
LH 4.4 iu/L
prolactin 274 mu/L
Testost 15.1 nmol/L
SHBG 8 nmol/L

Sorry no reference ranges provided by them. As far as I understand, though, I am in the lower range for T and really (below) low in SHBG. Advice? Help!

Estradiol and DHT test results could help us a great deal.

With low SHBG an eleavted estradiol could be very problematic and a low DHT level could independently be problematic.

Ok, thanks for the reply – I’ll be sure to ask for those in the next round aswell. In the meantime my score in the checklist was 28.

When I stopped fin I started taking a bunch of naturals to replace it, including some like HMR Spruce Lignans that are known to interrupt DHT as well. It didnt seem like a bad idea since, like many on this board, I went through a ‘high’ period in the couple of months following the final kicking of fin. I stopped taking any of that stuff about 5 months ago. Since then, I’ve had long dark periods, and then my mood will improve (though still problems with libido etc. throughout).

It might be possible that my body has shown a few signs of coming around, I don’t know. Originally the cycle between good and bad periods seemed to be sometimes 2 weeks or so of bad and then often less than that of good, but the cycles now seem to be tighter – 4-5 days each, and some morning erections happening a few days at a time (though still not the classic kind I remember). Ejaculate volume predictably diminishes during low periods, too, as it was for the last few months on fin. And it is of a really dry quality, contrary to the wateriness that others report. Has this been experienced by others?

I’ve been taking DIM recently (2-3 weeks), but it’s so hard to tell if that makes a difference.