Levitra (Verdanafil) WOW, but something strange happened

Hi, I recently had some intercourses with a pretty cute girl. 5 mg Cialis didn’t help much, though there was some slight improvement in comparison to when I didn’t use anything. But that wasn’t enough, I was losing the erection pretty fast.
So I tried Levitra 10mg, orally disintegrating form (30 minutes before intercourse :wink:), that’s a BOMB, I was scared of priapism when I ended LOL. Maybe 5mgs suits better for me. A bit of an unnatural feeling and quite a lot insensitivity but it’s better than nothing.

When I got hard enough I got a bit scared somewhat because I heard some “CRICK CRACK” between the base of the penis and my right tecsticle. Like if a cord shaped structure was sliding abrubtly from a framed position.
What is strange to me is that despite it’s supposed effect of approx 5 hours, I am having a good erection without it even the day after.
Did anyone experience anything similar?
And this isn’t a good period for me: I was having quite some difficulties on getting it up. I hope this Verdanafil effect persists.

Still however I look like a 70 year old trying to have sex because of weakness and that girl unfortunately is obviously in discomfort about my overall problems. Cannot blame her.

my doctor gave me a sample of some of this, but i’ve yet to use it. anyway, please elaborate: “CRICK-CRACK?” is this a good CRICK CRACK, a bad CRICK CRACK, or just a weird CRICK CRACK? i don’t even understand the “abrupt sliding” from a “framed position.” i know you’re italian and that there is probably a language gap/barrier, i’m not trying to be an ass.

and congrats on bedding the cute girl! hey, she did come back.

More precisely I would say I felt something like single sprains, separated some seconds one form each other. Very little painful, but strong enough and sudden enough to say that something happened and brought me into an alert state. It’s hard to explain, I don’t know what happened exactly. I had about four of them in as less as approx 15-20 seconds during penetration. It’s like if the strong erection was displacing something in sprains, like a nerve, tendon, or something I don’t know really.
If it is positive or negative I don’t know. Tough I can say today my erections are really strong and long lasting.

I also took a citrulline supplement yesterday approx at lunch. So who knows might it be that other one? I feel like if Levitra is still acting despite much more than 5 hours have passed. Maybe it’s the supplement…maybe I don’t metabolize Vardenafil correctly…
Or maybe something got back where it deserves to be, I hope in this one…

PS In the case the effect is due to the citrulline supplement, this is interesting because from what I read citrulline blood concentration is a marker of intestinal health. And I know my intestine is not in good shape! maybe this means something, maybe nothing.

Hi tab, how are you? Are you still taking Levitra. Have you still been having good results with it?

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hi mate, read your post. would love an update?

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Hi, I’m pretty better from the concentration point of view, physically etc. Not much has changed sexually. I don’t have sex since a lot of time but I know I’m not good. Levitra would most probably still work, but it wasn’t always necessary with my last gf. I’m very busy trying to establish my entepreneurial job. So I really don’t have the mind for sex. And also, I am a smoker evethough I managed to reduce. Honestly I don’t know if withdrawing cigarettes would change something and help healing. Most probably yes. Cigarettes are devil for me. I really can’t stop for one reason or the other. Healthy living would have helped, but I really have job problems so I can’t pay too much attention to that. I managed to increase my exercise routine before the holidays. Almost every day because my job isn’t physical. 3 times per week wasn’t enough. The results were very good. I also practiced a martial art for some time and honestly I was in good shape and strong compared to the other guys. Still my friend in the pants isn’t really reactive.

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Finasteride is the devil in the pants department
I don’t know how it does the damage Im not even sure if the damage is testicular as I had alot of testicular pain throughout taking Finasteride everyone on the hairloss boards either says it goes away after a few weeks to months or they stop taking the stuff as the pain gets so bad it effects them walking. Personally I had non stop pain kind of an ache that went from dull to sharp this never did stop completely until weeks after stopping finasteride.
I never stopped just due to the pain I stopped due to the fact it had made me completely impotent and numb in the pants department.
Could I ask did you did you have these symptoms ? I’m trying to put things together as to help other people know the signs before they end up in our situation . Any info would be great

I had probably all the symptoms you can imagine. I was hurt pretty bad. Honestly I don’t give a shit about these guys, they now know all the side effects as these are on the drug instructions. When I started there was nothing. So these guys are either miseladed by the instructions or they are completely stupid.

As for the damage, the damage is in all the body. No cure will ever be found. The only way you can get better is by healthy life, psychology, physical activity, good nutrition and having sex. At least this is my opinion, everyone hopes that there is one single thing you can adjust and Voilà your back in health. Nope, the body is much more complicated than that. As you change hormones, you change evrything, starting from the composition of your cells.

Shame there is only a like button, and not a dislike button on this forum. I would like to press dislike on your post.


It’s not quite “how to make friends and influence people” is it?



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I’m into this since 2009 now that I count. The side effects on the leaflet are there thanks to people like me who were used as lab rats. Everyone, from my country to the layman didn’t help. Actually they all did what they could to destroy all what was remaining of my life. I owe nothing to no one. And these guys are playing with fire like ignorant little kids. The only suggestion a PFS sufferer would give is “stay away from finasteride”. Then pay attention to the reply and see if you are still willing to help that person. If you are advising these guys on how to take Fin, you are doing it wrong, because there is only one way you can handle Fin, and it’s by throwing that poison in the rubbish.

And then if you dislike my opinion on a cure to PFS, I’m sorry, but as of now, I am still right; there is no cure and there is not even an idea for a “one shot” cure, because so many things are fucked up.

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I don’t think anyone would argue with this point, and no one on this forum is encouraging people to take finateride. However people have taken the drug because they don’t believe the side affects will happen to them and because they are desperate due to loosing their hair. In an ideal situation this drug wouldn’t be on the market, but this forum is here to offer support to people affected by Finasteride and similar substances and to encourage research and solutions which will one day lead to a cure or at least treatments to improve symptoms. As a longtime sufferer we would welcome your input and support for the pfs foundation.


I think Tab was referring to the guys on the hair loss forums not guys on here.