Actually levetiracetam is associated with suicidial behavior. But i have opposite effect. Probably due to its ability to increase general and free testosterone.
You are completely CRAZY. Levetiracetam give Similar-PFS.
Stay away from this SHIT.
I had to take it.
actually the second study you posted is about hypersexuality, which explains …
Watch the first study. Don’t mess with stuff you endanger people.
That being said, why are you taking it?
helped with post l-dopa problem. You can find my story in l-dopa safety thread.
Another study regareding levi hypersexuality.
In our patient, hypersexuality might be triggered via dopamine pathways as in the cases of irritability and aggression. Since levetiracetam is believed to enhance the activity of GABA and GABAergic pathways are known to be a part of inhibitory system for sexual behavior,[16] this neurotransmitter is less likely to be involved in hypersexuality in this patient.