Levels of anxiety

I am curious how much anxiety handicaps you in daily business of life and what you guys do about it. Does it affect you like 24/7 or just in certain situations?

Examples from myself:
I get really anxious when people are screaming at me, my hands are tremblin, I have difficulties with breathing and strong heartbeating. Can not say if it is related to PFS or just poor parenting (got beaten a lot, abusive). Now I can handle it better but still not satisfying enough.

When I take presentation in front of a lot people I get really nervous, trempling, heart beating, stutter and sweating.

For me it is just in certain situations where my anxiety strikes in.

That is situational anxiety with a little ptsd mixed in
. Its completely normal to be anxious with those things. When I am anxious it comes out of nowhere for no reason I could be watching TV or just laying in bed or doing whatever and hits like a tsunami

Mine is constant i awaken from a nightmare every evening after two hours sleep. I have anxiety all day. Minor things take it to a heightened state its ridiculous. Prior to pfs I didn’t experience anxiety

@hippydoof @LazarusRy I am so sorry that must be terrible for you (let alone other sides).

@LazarusRy I know that you are a longtime sufferer of this disease my friend but can you recall at what timeline anxiety started for you?

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My anxiety is lower than pre-Fin for some reason.

I do still have it, like if I’m going to talk in front of a lot of people.

But in general it’s much lower. I know some other have had the same experience for some reason.

@Jonnas12 I suffered a wave of it weeks in but didn’t know what it was. Then it returned approx 6 years ago and has only got worse. I assume its as a consequence of more damage to the receptors or further lowering of neurosteroids. Like being on a knife edge no matter what. I tied in with stopping propecia ahead of an operation. I thought something had happened on the table as wasn’t aware of pfs until a few years later

So hard to hear that all this is getting worse. I hope it gets better for you really!

Stay strong my friend.

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Same here