Letter for Denise Turner (Marc James Turner's mother)

In light of Denise Turner’s (Marc Turner’s mother) continued support for our community I thought it would be a nice idea to send her a letter thanking her for her effort and letting her know that we are grateful. Denise took the trouble to record a video to support our Movember campaign. The difficulty I experienced in watching it would have been far eclipsed by the difficulty she experienced filming it. As many are probably aware, her family are now organising a memorial event, the proceeds of which will help fund our research. It speaks volumes about Marc’s character that his dying wish was for the effort of Mitch and the PFS Network to be supported. I never interacted with him, but it is abundantly clear that Marc was an exceptional man, and a strong advocate for taking the correct action to free ourselves from this mess. It grieves me to think of the pain experienced by Denise on a daily basis. I have drafted a message to her below. If you would like to add a sentence or two I would be happy to write it on a separate sheet and include it with the letter.

"Dear Denise,

I wanted to write you and thank you on behalf of the entire PFS community. The loss of Marc is felt by everyone in our milieu, but we can only imagine what it must be like for your family. I would like you to know that many of us think of Marc on a routine basis, and we would like to honour his memory to the best of our ability. I remember when I started being public about PFS on twitter, your daughter kindly reached out to me to let me know that your family are by our side in this struggle. I wanted to return the favour and let you know that we will continue to fight to see justice for Marc and everyone else who has been unjustly harmed. I know Marc would be very proud of you. You are in our thoughts.

With all best wishes and love,

The PFS community"