Lets develop a regimen that works

Dear all,

I am new to the forum after following it for about one year. I discovered PFS after reading a newspaper article about it in larger newspaper in my country. I took propecia for ca. 3 years until end of 2015 and already started to feel bad while taking it. But since I didn’t want to lose my hair, i continued to take it. After I finally made the decision to quite the drug, things became worse like for all of us (brain fog, bad sleep (no dreams), tiredness over the day, less “feeling” in my penis, some kind of acne & dry skin on my upper arm, dry eyes). Since a year now I try to win this battle and I am determined to win it. I tried many things suggested within this forum like taking tribulus, doing sports. I lost 10Kg to a very good weight and build up some muscles and made some progress but even though i felt somewhat better, the overall symptoms just don’t want to leave. I joined the forum to discuss some advanced ideas with you which I have already worked tested on me with partial success. I want to develop with you together a regimen that can fix our problems and I want to acquire some mates to take this challenge.

My Goal: I want to reset the the 3-Alpha-Reductase production mechanism in our body. It is obvious that we suffer from an imbalance of T1, T2, T3 3-Alpha-Reductase or underproduction of 3-Alpha-Reductase. As we know, this most likely is due to a rapid increase in the amount of DHT or any other enzyme/ hormone / steroid which gets produced via 3-Alpha-Reductase ultimately hitting overexposed receptors in our body which were not used anymore to deal with these normal amount of substances so that they sent the signal to limit the production of 3-Alpha-Reductase.

My Idea: Taking again a 3-Alpha-Reductase blocker which in contrast to Propecia does not leave the body so quickly. In concrete, I want to take Avodart for a limited amount of time to tell my body again there is not enough 3-Alpha-Reductase so that he starts to produce it again. I know that Avodart has a much longer elimination half life than Propecia so that the increase in DHT and all the other derivatives of 3-Alpha-Reductase. With the more gradual phase out of the drug, I hope to avoid to overwhelm the receptors in my body.

What I have done so far: I tried Avodart for 2 weeks and then stopped taking the drug. I started to feel worse after about 1 weeks taking it. Ca. 4 to 6 weeks after I stopped to take Avodart, I felt improvement and the dry skin & acne on my upper arm disappeared (thicker skin due to more DHT). I also started to sleep a little better - maybe 6h instead of 5h but I still feel tired after waking up and no dreams. I have little more feeling in my penis but mentally, no real improvement although in the evening I sometimes feel an improvement in my mood. I am now ca. 10 weeks after the stop of the drug and guess I need 4 to 6 more weeks to really know the final result of my 2 weeks of Advodart. I think that I will need more iterations of taking avodart to achieve healing of PFS but I am sure this regimen can heal me if I do it right.

For my thoughts, I take the following half life elimination curve of Dutsteride and Propecia into account.
hairlosscure2020.com/wp-con … uction.jpg

The question is (with your experience): What would be the most promising regimen? After 2 weeks, Avodart has blocked ca. 50% of DHT of a healthy individual. Unfortunately, we need to be willing to invest 4,5 months per iteration in order to see improvement. I plan to try another two weeks of Avodart in a few weeks and then I want to reduce the duration of taking Avodart to maybe 1 week or so.

Who wants to try it too? Who wants to support?


Not willing to try an experiment on my body like that. Sounds too risky.

Go on, and if you are cured, let us know. You could mention all your symptoms and a recovery protocol.

An update from my side. I am very satisfied with the progress of my recovery. Here is what improved:

  • I have dreams again before waking up. It is not what it has been before yet but I have dreams (and this each day!)!!!
  • I feel less tired in the morning after waking up but I don’t feel fully fit in the morning yet. But I definitely have much more energy for the entire day.
  • I have quite good morning wood (i had none before) every morning now.
  • Sperm quality: my sperm is not watery anymore. It has become thicker (like it has been before taking propecia). I feel less desire to ejaculate. Once per week seems to be fine now.
  • I still have dry eyes even though I believe that they are less dry now compared to some months ago.

I am absolutely confident that I can fully recover from PFS now. The question is just how I need to structure my regimen to finish the job as I do not believe that I will fully recover after my initial two weeks of Avodart. Half elimination time of the drug suggests that its effect on my body should be reduced by >60% by now. My feeling tells me that in 4 weeks, when Avodart’s effects on me should be lowered by >80% things won’t be much different.

I will certainly wait 4 to 6 more weeks before considering to take another round of Avodart. The question for me is whether I should take it again for 14 days or whether I should reduce the duration of taking it. Right now, I think about minimum 7 days and maximum 14 days.

From my experience, I can only recommend you to try 14days of Avodart too. At no point of time in the last years, I have felt better than in the last 14 days. With the experience I have now, I am very certain that our condition has to do with a relative abrupt phase out of finasteride after stopping to take the drug.

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