Legal death- in drugs we trust

Guys there is a film director that is highlighting the dangers of pharmaceutical drugs- the documentary is being made and the director hopes that it will be aired on Netflix. They contacted a friend of mine after seeing her video about accutane and he didn’t know the side effects existed and may now include accutane in his documentary. Unfortunately they aren’t highlighting the dangers of finasteride but we should bring it to their attention the Facebook page is called legal death, in drugs we trust- we should be on their pushing to get finasteride highlighted. Please join the group


I need support on my post guys to show this director that there is lots of victims out there. He’s starting to look into accutane now that people started highlighting the issues on the page.

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The director just posted the following on accutane.

Very Important Info from Ido Toren about the Drug ACCUTANE:

It depends on how the individual metabolizes the compound, 13-cis retinoic acid, in the liver and at the cellular level at the different bodily tissues. In essence, 13-cis retinoic acid, is a compound found in minuscule amounts in the human body. By taking Accutane, we are undergoing a literal per definition so called “controlled poisoning”, where the individual uptakes toxic levels of pure retinoic acid into their system. The desired effect, clearance of acne, does not come from any healing occurring, but on the contrary, it stems from the destruction of structures in the individuals skin, the pilosebaceous unit, so called oil glands. What the drug does is it actually atrophies and shrinks the glands, by killing of their stem cell supply and epigenetically changing the way they function, permanently destroying their function in many individuals and thus “curing” acne for the remainder of their lives. The compound is able to do so because it is a retinoid, which is a chemical that serves as a key factor in regulating the expression of hundreds of genes in the different tissues of the human body, resulting in crude and unpredictable interference in key cellular functions, including the determination of the life cycle of different cells, in many cases leading to the death and destruction of key structures all over the human body permanently. Pure insanity to prescribe this compound for anything. I would not give it to a cancer patient.

The resulting syndrome make have to undergo through a prodrome, an asymptomatic period where the individual appears to be fine and symptomless, until eventually after a varied period of time, usually several months to 1 year after exposure has ceased, symptoms being to manifest. Since Accutane can literally interfere with function of almost every tissue in the human body due to its very nature being a retinoid, Post retinoid syndrome varies from individual to individual in the areas of the body affected and the severity of the damage. The most common complaints are as following: Gastrointestinal symptoms - IBS or IBD like symptoms. Nervous system issues - Impaired cognition, loss of mental clarity, speech impairment - stuttering, word recall is reduced, severe depression and affective disorders such as anxiety disorders, intrusive thoughts, lack of impulse control etc. Joint and skeletal disorders- Wide spread joint pain, joint often click, crack and pop, feel dried out, stiff, and very painful. MGD- Evaporative dry eye disease. Sexual dysfunction . Unresolved body wide dryness. Permanent hair loss and thinning.


I took accutane 25 years ago it helped and stopped my cystic acne…I didnt take it long…20 years later took finasteride and got obliterated.

This is one of my friends who posted the following:

Yes, it would be great for as many of you as possible to speak to Tim (the maker of the documentary), he is working on interviewing people all over the US for his 12-part series on drug damage, with the goal of unifying a grassroots movement of DIBI (Drug Induced Brain/Body Injury) spreading wide + far to raise awareness and destigmatize drug injury. He doesn’t know much about PFS, so joint the group and help educate him.

We need as much people as possible on the page supporting our cause.

I wouldn’t give it to a dog


I can’t do this all by myself, I need support with this and people telling their stories on the page. We have a unique opportunity to have this condition exposed to a large audience if we can get Tom on board, a friend of mine has already got him interested in Accutane then we can do the same. He’s professional, open minded and he has already taken interest because accutane members were there backing each other up and telling their stories on the page. I’m pleading with everyone to help me out with this, we need to come together as a community and get this message out.

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@Papasmurf thanks for letting us know I have contacted the group and passed on my information.

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