Left Kidney is failing. Possible urine obstruction

So this is confirmed. My left kidney has failed. My right kidney has enlarged calices possibly because of some sort of compression against the ureter the blocks urine flow, or infection. Retro-Peritoneum has fibrous or hard tissue mass that might be pressing against the ureter or the kidney itself. My serum creatinine remains more than 1.2 (fasting blood work). I have been a post finasteride victim for 8 years.

I would like to hear the feedback from the poor souls on this forum. If you press the left side of your abdomen, right under the sigmoid colon, do you feel a hard tissue mass? Is the whole area tender to touch or when you apply pressure to it?


hey , any changes on this?

do they know the reason for the left kidney being atrophied?

I have pain that comes and goes at exactly that area. It is not tender to the touch though, and I don’t notice a hard tissue mass.

Vanquish did you try urine testosterone values?

Nope. I’ve only had blood tests done.

I am going to do this exam.
There is not one single PFSer with urinary testosterone in place, 100% who done it are out of range

I am going to do this exam.
There is not one single PFSer with urinary testosterone in place, 100% who done it are out of range

The excretion is done through kidneys

Look at this, and see if it does apply. In short, that MD in Belgium states that prostate fibrosis as a consequence of finasteride use can bring to kidney failure: viewtopic.php?f=30&t=7625&p=68513&hilit=prostate+fibrosis#p68513

I would discuss this with your doctor. Also, I would contact the pfs foundation and see if they can have a medical visit done in order to understand what has gone wrong with your urinary system.