Leaving our bodies to the PFS Foundation ?

I’m wondering if its possible to donate our bodies to the Post-Finasteride Syndrome Foundation after we die ?

If it is I gladly make a will stating I would like them to have my body.

Taking apart a PFS suffers body may be the only way they will fully understand this condition.

I had the same thought today. That it may be the only way to fully understand this mess.

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Either of you planning on donating your body anytime soon?

I would happily consider leaving instructions for my body to be studied for PFS purposes. However, I am hoping it will never have to come to that.

LOL… no, not anytime soon.

I think it would be no harm if all of us wrote a will in which we state that the PFS foundation can examine our bodies. We could all die tomorrow in a car crash or some other accident.

hang tight people, I dont think you realize how important that neurosteroid study was in February (Italy)

I hope your right. For me finding a cure would be better than wining the lottery.

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yes i also think it was very important .
people just want to find a treatment for this.

I haven’t really been paying attention to these things so I apologize in advance, I’m sure this has been discussed to death. But what exactly did they study and what was found out? How is research on determining the causes of PFS and possible solutions going in general?

Is there a way to donate our bodies to the PFS Foundation for research?

In the event of an accident, or an untimely death, perhaps the PFS Foundation could perform an autopsy on a cadaver and learn more about the source of PFS.

This has been discussed already. viewtopic.php?f=1&t=7980

Looking at the prostate, liver, and cerebral cortex tissues may help provide some insight into the condition. I do not know if this rather drastic step is necessary though.

Oh, sorry, didn’t realize this was on the table already.

Although, not sure we got to the bottom of the issue in this thread. I wonder if there’s a form we could fill out to leave our bodies to the PFS Foundation? This might be helpful for them.

Also, it sounds like someone is referencing a study in Italy from 2013 in this thread. Has this study been completed, or is this the same study that is going on in Milan (which, to my knowledge, hasn’t started yet).

Think about the logistics involved in the whole thing. A human body would need to be kept in cold storage until an examination or tissue extraction could be done. There would need to be a program setup to handle this procedure in conjunction with the family and authorities well before hand, and I do not believe the foundation currently has anything like this setup.

If your interested in this route you are probably better off contacting Harvard, Baylor or if in Europe the Italian PFS researchers about directly donating your body to them and their institution.

They could provide autopsy instructions… Someone close to us could hold it, and make sure it gets done - in case… yeah.

This is very important. Please all tell your next of kin to contact the PFS foundation in the event of your death and to make sure you body is preserved. This could lead to a breakthough for all of us. How many are dead now? Perhaps if a detailed autopsy was done on one of these guys we could have some answers.

Not sure how any of that stuff works, but I think this IS the same as leaving your body to the foundation:

pfsfoundation.org/news/south … n-program/

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Did they ever get to examine the brains of PFS patients who have died ?

Can admin give us an update on this. Thanks

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