Many cases were thrown out of court in suing Merck and other drug companies. We veterans suffering from PFS are being killed and indued by the Veterans Adminsitartion who have denied us treatment and cain there is no such thing as PFS and that all adverse permanent symptomology goes away onc you cease the drug. They have stated that our PFS doctors and researchers and research as well as the NIH are all bogus and make claims the FDA backs them in stating there are no permanent adverse symptonology from the drug finasteride. Thuis thee is not one reported case of PFS at the VA while the drug is given to 20% of all veterans like candy or BPH or enlarged prostate by urologists . VA administrators and the OIG have done nothing over this while veterans commit suicide etc all put down as due to their in check mental health diagnosis or the symptomology is due to enlarged prostate or BPH . Any adverse blood hormone testst are attributed to a problem with the vets hormones not due to the drug finasteride but due to a problem with hormones before taking finasteride. Lies and coverup. We need lawyers and we need veterans to step forward given this drug from the VA .
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Please note is you used or continued to use finasteride ( despite no warning labels before 2012 by Merck and no labels by the VA on the drug past 2014) past 2012 you have no case !!
All finasteride users using the drug past the FDA warnings that came out originally in 2012 no matter what you doctor told you have no case in court period. The experts we are not allowed to talk with and our layers refused to allow us to talk with threw out all cases if you used finasteride procepia and proscar past 2012 your case was throne out even if you had full blown adverse permanent symptomology before 2012. This is fact told by our layer who was incompetent .