Latest studies in one place?

Hi all!

Is there a thread or place that has the links to all the latest studies? Going to a pretty understanding doc and I’d like to send them his way. The more doctors we can get on board the better.

For exhaustive listings, you can check the corresponding sections of the PFS Network site or

When corresponding with doctors, however, I think it’s better to limit discussion to a small handful of papers. I’ve personally used Dr. Michael Irwig’s papers the most. While they’re not perfect, they do provide a succinct picture of PFS as it commonly presents clinically. Case data is the thing you want to show to a skeptical doctor as it provides some evidence that your experiences may not be isolated or imagined. Given that a typical visit only lasts a few minutes, it may help to highlight specific data points ahead of time.

PFS Network has a ready made packet that’s intended to be handed to doctors. I’ve not used it myself. The studies in the PFSN packet are mainly focused on finding possible etiologies, which I don’t think most doctors will find very useful - they need to know precisely what is being seen clinically before they can even begin to consider why.

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Thank you so much!

I wasn’t aware of this site before. Whoever created it has done a great job in providing a depository.

As someone already mentioned, the clinician pack is built for this. You could also show them the explainer video we created.

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I hadn’t considered using the explainer video for this, but it is excellent. I think a written summary with some source links would be ideal for use in doctor’s offices (where viewing the video might be technically difficult or distracting).

Yeah I’m all set, thank you, @overkilled