Last resort already, where to get nystatin?

Guys I know it’s only been a few months for me in this condition but I don’t know how long I can still bear it.
I said in my main post that 5mg cialis can sorta reverse all my sides, which I think it’s still the case, but I can’t accept that I have to rely on cialis at 21.
Now I have like 3 things remaining that I hope can lead me out of this shit:
Quercetin, Nystatin and the varicocele surgery.
Quercetin should help prostate inflammation which 95% is what it’s causing all my issues, I could try it rn but I’m not sure since u told me it’s antiandrogenic.
Regarding the varicocelectomy I don’t really know how it could help but I’m still gonna do it in semptember hoping for a miracle.
Lastly there’s nystatin which I read about in a few recovery stories where the sexual sides where exactly like mine. It should fix the gut somehow which I’m starting to think it’s probably a bit messed up and it’s maybe inducing the inflammation. I would try it immediately but I don’t know how to get it. Do u think some pharmacies could sell it without prescription?? If not how the fuck do I get one?

These are blind shots in the dark. If you want to use drugs, you should work with a doctor to inform your choice with a test.

If you don’t have access to the right doctor, you’re better off focusing on lifestyle interventions (sleep, diet, de-stress, exercise). Improvements are slow, but the benefits are proven and much less risky.

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If your body doesn’t react negatively to it, please just keep taking this to deal with your symptoms (under the supervision of a good doctor), and let time do it’s thing. Do not risk taking substances that can make your condition worse when you don’t need to.

“I need to take Cialis to be normal” >>> “There’s nothing I can take to be normal”

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If cialis reverses all your symtoms, consider yourself very lucky and live your life. I don’t see the problem: is it the stigma of using an ED drug? If you’ve find a treatment that works, why even bother trying these other drugs?

@M_C @borax @ithought
You guys are right, I know things I mentioned are kind of blind shots in the dark and I know that if a drug can make me feel normal I should be happy about it. The fact is that there’s still something off that I’m pretty sure time won’t fix and tbh since I started experimenting with cialis I’d say that I randomly felt normal from time to time but it’s not like I’ve reached a new baseline where I’m normal.
I mean there has been probably 3 times in the last 2 weeks where masturbating felt normal and there’s definitely a correlation with cialis but still it’s very random. I can definitely have sex w it, but sensation/pleasure is still hit or miss.
Like the other day I was finally able to cum twice in max 2 hours, and weirdly enough the first time there was less sensation and semen was still not much and clumpy, the second I felt pleasure building up, orgasm was good and semen completely different and probably even more, surprisingly.
Sorry for the extra details but it’s just to show that it’s not like I’ve found a magic pill, I still don’t feel myself and it’s depressing

Why do you think u have inflammation ? , whats ur symptoms do u have harde time force urin ?
Do u really think Quercetin can help for inflammation ?

Quercetin is anti-androgenic and has significantly worsened some members here. Please be careful.

@Yy22 several other moderators have asked already, but can you please create a new member story and complete our patient survey?

Thank you.