Lamisil Cream? Caused symptoms?

Got a hold of the pharmacy, they said that the cream I took was lamisil (antifungal)

I don’t believe this is accurate as I remember it coming in a white and yellow package.

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side effects include:

Blockage of normal bile flow (I had yellow skin, and elevated liver enzymes)
Giant Hives (which I developed for the first time in my life all over my face/neck/arms.

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I googled. Lamicil’s generic is called Terbicip.

Terbicip is in a yellow package here:

no it is not that,
Maybe it was lamisil, but it came in a all white with yellow sqaure packaging (hydrocortisone or ketaconzole)
maybe it was lamisil but I dont think so…

:thinking: this doesn’t sound like something I would want to use.