Lack of support

After several months of leaving my home because it was impossible to try to recover in my family’s home today I have returned for a wedding.

It is incrieble how my sister, uncles and aunts, father have completely ignored me. They don’t give importance to the changes I have undergone.

I really see myself with no way out. No job and little emotional support. This fucking poison has destroyed all my efforts to get out of a rural area and find a future for myself. I had a good job, I was good looking and now I’m a fucking ugly, impotent piece of shit.

I don’t want to go on living


I feel the same way. I had to move back home but my family doesnt know how to support me. They either tell me I have to think differently and turn the page or if they do achnowledge some of the changes PFS caused what difference does it really make anyways. It’s hard for them to truly understand and I can’t really blame them. It’s hard on them too and they have a life to live as well. I cry all the time. My dad asks me is that a symptom of PFS. This is the most fucked up syndrome. I couldn’t have ever imagined something like this in a million years. Do you cry a lot too?


Guys this is one truly devestating disease. No one outside of this forum understands or even has an idea or clue of what we go through around the clock. Nothing / no part of our lives is left untouched. You lose you! Your physicality, your looks, whatever it was that made u/me is gone! We’re a mess, life destroyed, trying to navigate some sort of fucked up existence, where were denied, even ridiculed medically. So you look to your family and loved ones for hope as a last resort and expected sanctuary / unconditional love but this also turns out to be a false dawn the final insult/ breaking point in this true modern day horror story. So where do you/we go from here!!! I was at this same point approx 3 years ago. Have I improved. No!, Have I got worse. Yes!!! Am I stronger, Yes!!! I’ve left work, lost my marriage, my friends you name it!!! It’s all gone but I get out of bed each day, I exist I cry I feel sick I count my losses but I know I’m still alive and push forward in the hope that I’ll wake up one day and feel windows of improvement and with that I’ll be reborn nothing in this world would ever topple me again / come close to Pfs I’d be something else with this behind me/us, life would be a blessing a dream I’d have so much to give, to cherish to live for to feel. For these reasons alone it’s worth fighting on and living with this as best as we can. Something tells me even at my lowest points which are many, deep in my heart that we will come through this and will have the best years of our lives ahead of us because of this hellish experience. God bless us. Keep faith and above all believe you will have a future ahead of you.




I know what you mean. For me the only form of support was and is this forum. No one in real life understands. God bless you all good people!