Kenneth C. Frazier's $500 Whitewash...

Regarding Merck’s $500 million program to reduce pregnancy-related deaths from impoverished countries such as Senegal and Zambia to the United States, CEO Kenneth C. Frazier is quoted as saying:

“As Americans, we simply should not accept that 46 countries have lower rates” of reported maternal mortality. The fact that U.S. pregnancy-related deaths have nearly doubled since 1990 is “appalling” and “something we ought to be ashamed of.”

My question is, if Mr. Frazier cares so much about human life, why does his company snuff out so many with products like Vioxx, Propecia, Fosamax and Gardasil?

How about taking some of that $500 million and helping victims of those medications?

The full story here: … M520131119

mr. frazier puts himself and his family at great risk by letting this propecia issue (and many other merck issues) play out the way they do … think of allllllll the people he has knowingly hurt … think of allllll their loved ones … shoot, despite the fact that my life has been completely destroyed by using finasteride, i would NOT want to be frazier or his family

I hadn’t thought it about like that, Lennon, but you make a good point.

When you count family members and friends of all the Merck customers harmed – or killed – by Merck products, you’re looking at an angry mob that must total in the hundreds of thousands.

That is indeed some bad karma.

Karma is a bitch…his day is coming…