Keeping PSA levels low

How do you guys prevent for high PSA-levels whitout taking 5-alfa reductase inhibitos?

I’ve not come across anything. Are you trying to treat your prostate?

No, Just want to prevent as i am fourties. Prostate cancer is very common so searching for a way to prevent. There are even males who prevent with Finasteride,

Wish I had an answer. I think all treatments involve 5ari. There are obviously natural 5ari like zinc, lycopene etc but that might be dangerous for PFS sufferers. Different people tolerate different things. Vitamin E is a possibility as it supposedly disrupts androgen signaling as opposed to inhibiting 5 alpha reductase but it doesn’t sound like something I’m comfortable with.

“Of the three micronutrients tested, only methylselenocysteine consumption reduced growth of transplantable Dunning R3327-H prostate tumors, albeit through an unresolved mechanism.”

Notice it says it works by an unresolved mechanism.

“Methylselenocysteine, lycopene, and γ-tocopherol consumed alone and in combination did not alter serum testosterone or dihydrotestosterone concentrations; tumor proliferation or apoptosis rates. In addition, the diets also did not alter tumor or prostate androgen receptor, probasin, selenoprotein 15, selenoprotein P, or selenium binding protein 2 mRNA expression. However, using castration and finasteride-treated tissues from a previous study, we found that androgen ablation altered expression of these selenium-associated proteins.”

Cbrandel might be better at interpreting this stuff.

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