Juul reaction (e-cigarette)

Hey I was wondering if anyone else here who also has mental symptoms has tried the juul, and if so, what effect has it had on your symptoms?

I’m currently on holiday and haven’t been super careful with my food intake (avoiding nuts), took Ambien 2 nights ago for 2 days and have been experiencing some fairly annoying anxiety on and off the past few days. I remember I had a similar experience in the past around when I first used the Juul, but I’m not sure if that was just a coincidence as I was coming off benzos at the time. Nicotine generally doesn’t seem to be affecting me too badly in other forms (I smoke a pipe tobacco that’s very high nicotine), so wondering if maybe it was the benzoic acid or just something else I’m on.

I’d love to switch to the Juul as I want to stop smoking, but at the same time don’t want to deal with the withdrawal at this point in time so if it’s safe, it’d be a satisfactory compromise.