I wrote a metaphoric commet about a creazy “cats claw healing” seen even at a cancer forum. "I heard there should be a woman anywhere who told she has been healed from leukemia drinking a cup of cats claw tea in the morning "
“Cats Claw tea” was just a Metapher!
A Metapher for all the freaks tell they have been cured, not only cured a little bit, no totally recovered to 1500 % by a table spoon of “cats claw” (its a Metapher ) every morning and they make the absolutely huge majority of severe cases totally silenced and show up our disease for all the lurkers as a total joke told by insane hypochondriacs and escaped maniacs who heal themselves with weired voodoo cult, electro wastage and creazy teas.
The real serious recoveries life saving changes in a young man’s only one he has, going under in this fake ocean. Really helpful protocols either.
Severe cases are in fear to tell about their pain because they directly attacked woth an angry “Why you didn’t try the cold water hot fire therapy, if you dont try you never be healed.”
Not any severe pfs case is talking about his pain anymore. No one talks about feelings anymore. They are not a part of the spastic outcrying of the next substance in a minute time-frame.
After getting pfs they aren’t angry , they behave like Mercks pets and pray all the time that they feel so good wirth this disease and how good they reover all.
Our disease is severe! So please come on and show up again.