Just made a page/site for the discussion of the "perfect" Fin recovery regimen :)

here it is: propeciarecovery.byethost17.com

Pretty soon it will be linked up to propeciarecovery.com

It’s basically just to have a one page, one post list of supplements that are the most effective at promoting recovery from Fin. And people can suggest improvements, it can be improved over time etc, and… yeah, maybe it will help some people :slight_smile:

Many of the ideas came from ImmortalHair, but the comments is where people will suggest further improvements :slight_smile:


I’ve been thinking about doing something similar for awhile, now I don’t have to :smiley:

haha cool well yeah I mean, feel free to check it out and to use it. It’s now active at the normal .com address but it’s just been set up so domains are always a bit bumpy for around the first 48 hours. I hope people like it anyway, simple but hopefully effective! :slight_smile: