Hi - I am 40 years old and a lot of friends are using propecia to keep hair. Only one friend had side effect (low libido that his wife made him quit) and the others all rave about it. Some guys been on it 15 years now. I asked the doctor a lot of question and in the end she said she gave propecia to 500 patients over the last 15 years and none had any side effects. So this really calmed me.
Anyway, I am 7 days into 1mg/day and my testicles are so sore that hurts to walk. I googled it and found this website. I have the same situation that many on here discuss of dull ache, tingling, numbness of testicles and to lesser degree penis. I will stop taking propecia but my doctor friends all same I am just hypochondriac.
Five Questions:
1 - Could this all be in my head? I doubt it because I had trouble walking with testicle pain BEFORE I came on the website.
2 - If there are over 1 million users of finisteride, why are there so few on this website with my problems. It seems people do have similar situation to me but tiny minority of the users of this drug. I sincerely believe the people on here similar to me but we must have some unique factor that affects us.
3 - I stopped cold turkey today and took a multi-vitamin. Any other recommendations for someone quitting finisteride? I masturbated and everything is working like normal.
4 - Surely at just 7 days I must not have done much damage.
5 - Maybe I should just using topical rogaine?