Just consulted a sexologist

I just consulted a sexologist and explained to him that finasteride has been affecting my body for the past three years. He dismissed the idea, stating that finasteride taken three years ago couldn’t cause these problems and suggested they’re all in my mind. He prescribed me Nano-Leo (a pill containing L-arginine and natural herbs) and tadalafil to take before bed for 30 days to improve my libido and sexual confidence. I’m a little worried about taking tadalafil as it might worsen my tinnitus. Should I try these supplements, or are there any side effects associated with PFS sufferers? Can anyone please give me some advice?

Nano-Leo contains the following ingredients
Screenshot 2024-02-18 at 8.17.50 PM

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Personally I would only feel safe with the arginine
The others like zinc and d3 gave fucked me up
Bit that could’ve been a dosage thing

The others I do not trust

I have tried them all seperatly, also still on tadalafil.
Nothing works for me, not better nor worse.

Wouldn’t touch that

Why are you even considering taking something a guy described who has no clue what your problem is, has never heard of it and doesn’t even believe you have it?? Every person here on this forum has a better understanding of what you should do than your sexologist. You probably know better than him.

Most doctors are ignorant people and it is us that need to educate them about PFS so that hopefully some of them, that have a brain, will actually contribute to an answer instead of ignoring the obvious fact that what we suffer from is a more than serious condition.