Just Began Treatment with Dr Crisler


Hope you all are hanging in there and that many of you are recovering. I wanted to let you all know that I saw Dr Crisler in Michigan and sent him a 24 hour urine screen and a full blood screen. Apparently my DHEA is the biggest point of concern. You can have a reading of 0 - 1500 DHEA and mine doesnt even break 100. He said for a 27 year old male, my DHEA is INSANELY LOW. My vitamin D is also horribly and unnaturally low.

As of right now, him and I are focusing only on the DHEA and vitamin D and not even bothering to look at other things. He has sent me a very potent trans-dermal DHEA cream (he said the DHEA pills you swallow do absolutely nothing) that I am to rub on my arm twice a day. I’m also taking 5000 units of vitamin D once a day. I am supposed to report back to him in 4 weeks with a new 24 hour urine screen to see what changes in my body this treatment plan has made. He is very confident I will recover from the horrible things finasteride has done to me. I wanted to keep you all posted on my treatment so that i may provide hope to many of you who doubt you will ever get better.

Tomorrow will be my first day on the DHEA cream. I am praying for it to begin bringing my body back to what it used to be. Stay strong.


This is interesting. My DHEA is also in the gutter thanks to Finasteride.

if you do research, youll find out that low DHEA has devastating affects on a man’s life. you may take comfort in the fact that he said my testosterone levels looked outstanding. I was worried finasteride had ruined my testosterone too but apparently not. You may have the same issue I have, which the doctor said is a pretty easy fix.

My testosterone levels were shot. I am on TRT now.