Juicing -- Accutane temporary recovery

Guy I was emailing with says this…

His symptoms were/are…

More… He is 28 now. Was 21 was his symptoms began from taking accutane for 3 months.

I am having digestion issues at the moment (seemingly out of nowhere!), so I am going to try an do a juice fast- just wondering how I will keep weight on…perhaps lots of good oils-olive, avocado?

I saw another documentary yesterday about people fixing their health problems juicing. Nobody tried to live only on juice for a while to see where it brings them?

I’m fasting 20 hour a day, and generally, as soon as I eat, I feel a down, but if I’m making myself juices for my meal, it makes me feel great. I will try to juice for at least one of my two meals, and maybe take it further if I’m getting gains from it.

Not juice, but I had tons of asparagus and paleo diet with tons of vegetables. Ever since I started numbness and lack of libido are totally gone. 3 months and I am horny as a 18 year old again. Tons and tons of vegetables

Interesting. What’s your theory? Asparagus has alkanized your acidic body?