joetz's lab work

Oh ok, thanks.

I was tested again and you can see the change as time has gone on. Some things are better and some things are worse.

What do you think is worse?

Looks like your % and overall Free T is low and SHBG highish which might be the cause. Is Crisler open to Danazol to lower SHBG? What did he say about your results?

im just curios why danazol? wouldnt any steroid accomplish the same thing,since shbg is controlled by the amount of androgens in your blood stream.basically higher androgens equal lower shbg.

I meant worse in terms of how I felt, not necessary how the numbers looked on the lab. Today was just a disaster for me. No libido whatsoever and I’m really disappointed because earlier in the month I was doing so much better.

This test was not done by crisler, it was done by another doctor, but I forwarded the results to crisler so he can look at it. I figure the more labwork crisler has, the better. I’ve got a telephone consult scheduled later on in the week. We’ll see what he says about the results and also what to do next.

joetz, what were the results of your phone consult with Crisler? Are you still taking DHEA? It looks like it might have raised your estradiol levels somewhat too.

I have a phone call with him scheduled on Tuesday. I have no idea what next. I have eliminated all non-sexual side effects, but my libido came crashing down like a house of cards the second week for the DHEA and now I’m starting to get moobs. I have no idea if I’m going to keep taking the DHEA forever and I’m not sure what we’re going to do to raise my free testosterone levels. I’ll find out soon, but I wish things would go faster.

jgoetz, to save a couple of minutes (or more) on the phone call, the doc that ordered my urinary steriod profile told me that the testosterone represented there is free testosterone (maybe includes albumin bound, but definitely not SHGB bound).

You have the urine test, run the three ratios of 5 alpha metabolites to 5 B metabolites and compare to the normal ranges indicated in the Chinese paper.

I was surprised to find out that with T ramped up to 700 ish on clomiphene that all my urinary metabolite ratios were at the very low end of the normal ranges indicated in the paper. Could be why I felt much better at 900 (aboe 270-830 normal physiological range). Will post a more detailed analysis of same when my adiol-G comes back . . . . .

One more comment, I have read where the total serum iron to iron binding capacity ratio for max libido/function is best at around 20%, you are at 35%.

Only way to lower it is to donate blood . . . . .


I have some more bloodwork and things are much more “normal” than they used to be. Does this mean I am gradually recovering? I hope so

I’m limited to 5 attachments, so I had to create a second post…

Your Estradial is at high-normal range.

How do you feel?

I feel a little better than a year ago, but I am so far away from being recovered and have such l long way to go. I’ve been taking 500 mg of magnesium lately, one 250 mg in the morning and one 250 mg at night. I felt almost cured when I first started but the effects wore off. I’m also taking vitamin d. So far the supplements I have taken have helped but we’re talking maybe feeling 10% of what I used to be instead of zero.

I had a hunch estradial is high, that’s probably why my chest feels tender sometimes. My free testosterone is in the low end of the range and that probably isn’t doing me any favors either.

You probably should get your Andronstandiol Glucoride(check spellin) tested as well along with DHT.

If you up the Vit D you will find that your E is kept in better control. This has been true of myself and others. How much D are you taking?

My vitamin D is actually in the normal range now after taking 15,000 IU for a while. Unlike you guys though, I saw no benefit to bringing it up. I don’t feel any better now at normal levels than when my numbers were way below normal.

I was just looking at some of my old posts from 2009 and can’t believe it’s 2022 and I’m still suffering from this condition. Some things have improved but a lot of symptoms have not.


It’s so drastic in your member story in the mid thirties 2009 you told that you deal Propecia problems since your early twentieth. So you survived now all this problems for more than twenty years? Suffering close to Lazarus Ray.

I’m 60 yo. The suffering gets me at 59. So I m done after one year. I have no job wich motivates me. I quit 20 years ago because of Borderline. I enjoyed my hobbies like Bicycle, Walking, Swimming, Dating, Gardening.

Now I hang in my chair. Motivated for nothing and wait for the end of time. A normal person gets 80 yo today. 20 years with this shit. How can I stand this?!

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I was rereading this thread and I saw that I put my lab results up in 2009. Would it be helpful to see my current lab results to see what changed in 13 years? Or what didn’t change?