Joe Rogan on Propecia and Depression

Joe has a solid breakdown regarding DHT and impacts on the body.

“Propecia was fucking up my boners”-Joe Rogan


Probably the only time he’s made a little bit of sense


Seriously guys getting on the Joe Rogan podcast would be the best course of action for awareness.

As you can see Joe had a bad experience with finasteride himself so he’d definitily be open to talk about it and he cares a lot about male health issues.

Somebody like Mitch with much knowlegde would be a great candidate to have on the podcast.

And a week or two ago Derek from MPMD (who actually acknowledges PFS is real although still underestimates the risks) got on the podcast so if we can contact him I’m sure he could get in contact with Joe rogan to make this a reality. I know he also does consultations for people with PFS and wants to help.

The Joe Rogan podcast is the biggest podcast in the world and his reach and influence is MUCH bigger than most mainstream media channels. (Joe Rogan also knows Elon Musk, imagine Joe convincing Musk to donate to PFS research…)


My Doctor who acknowledges PFS and who I speak with over the phone regularily about the condition actually suggested this the other night when I was speaking with her. This would be absolutely game changing and amazing under the right circumstances but there are currently many obstacles and issues at this point in the game.

  1. Joe Rogan will only consider high profile guests on his podcast. I’m surprised MPMD got on there but he does have a large following on youtube with well over 1 million subs.

  2. The people who acknowledge the issue who would be most likely to get on Joe Rogan such as Mark Gordon (who spoke about PFS breifly on Joe Rogan but made a fool of himself), MPMD, or even Dr’s like Irwig, Goldstein, Khera and Alan Jacobs all have differing opinions of the disease.

  3. The disease is currently not recognized officially by the medical community.

  4. The disease does not effect enough people.

Best scenario would be to have somebody like Mitch on there with similar representatives for PSSD and PAS at the same time.

First we need to get the disease proven through research, gain more awareness and then one day we will see a Joe Rogan podcast, netflix documentary, and a movie made out of this. Research is the key right now, so we can get the entire medical community and pfs community on the same page as far what PFS actually is and how Finasteride caused it. So keep donating!!!


A PFS representative potentially appearing on Joe Rogan has been discussed ad nauseam on here and we’re just not in a position for that right now. The lack of concrete science would pretty much make it futile at this point and Rogan’s credibility is also in the toilet these days, he’s quite literally the epitome of bro science so I’m not sure he’s the type of guy we want to associate our issue with.


Mainstream media’s credibility is also in the toilet. The key thing is viewership and whether you like Rogan or not he is able to reach more people than pretty much any other media source these days. We do agree that we are not in a position for it yet. Research is the most important thing right now.

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Going on Rogan just has a more personal feel about it though, anyone who goes on his show often espouses views he likes or is personally interested in which immediately affects the guest’s credibility.

Wrt to mainstream media, there’s also a distinct difference between counterfactual reporting on stories (usually political) with a clear agenda and reporting on stories that are non-political and are simply aired to attract viewership - PFS would better fall into the latter. What motive would mainstream media have to make up incriminating BS about big pharma? Were the motive political, mainstream media would undoubtedly side with big pharma; Rogan on the other hand loves a conspiracy.

It’s also not true that Rogan reaches more viewers than anyone else, BBC have over 1 billion visitors to their website each month.

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There is zero point in talking about Joe Rogan again.

Here’s why, it’s a multi million dollar show. Each episode is worth something like a million dollars.

Elon Musk etc appear because the show reaches so many people.

Now, think about what we have to offer a show that books Edward Snowden, Bill Burr, Russell Brand, the aforementioned Elon Musk and Mike Tyson. These people are famous enough that they would stop traffic if they were to walk out on the street.

It is a really big deal to get on the show. How busy do you think Elon Musk is? He travelled to Rogan’s studio to give him an hour of his time. Getting an hour with him would be near impossible, unless it was something he really, really thought was valuable.

We just don’t have much of a story to tell. If I was working on Rogan’s show, I’d expect to be sifting through hundreds of emails weekly, maybe daily from people trying to get their client on the show. Think about how many films, TV shows and books come out every month. Now think about how many people involved with those products would like to appear to tell Rogan’s millions of listeners about those products. Think about how many other rate diseases want to get featured. Think about how many charities want to have their cause highlighted.

If we could get them to read our email, the things they’d want to know are “who is this interesting to? Do people seem to care about this? Are we going to get sued by Merck? Do you have proof that will make sure we don’t get sued? What are the facts? Who can you get to talk about this? Are they an
interesting guest used to appearing on shows that reach millions of people?”

And we just do not have good answers to those questions.

I implore you to stop wasting your time with this. Think big if you like, but act small.

This is another of the forum’s favourites “if X would just come save us” it’s been Joe Rogan many times, Donald Trump at one point. The whole thing is part of the “Easy way out” ideal that people like to daydream about.

Whatever effort you would put into trying to get on Joe Rogan’s show, put that into telling your family and friends. That would be more impactfull than writing an email that would end up in JR’s spam folder with another few thousand emails.


You make some valid points that I definitely agree with but MPMD got on his show. What were the chances of that if you consider everything you just theorized about the vetting process to get on the show? Anyways, we both agree, much more research and awareness is needed before Joe Rogan would ever consider the topic.

Rogan has discussed pfs many times on the show over the last 6 or 7 years with Mark Gordon.

He’s well aware of it he said don’t touch the shit…I saw Gordon and tried his treatment but they are all like most still ignorant about the disease…

Actually we have a pretty compelling story to tell and you know who would be perfect to tell it…John Oliver. Pinning obscure death and suffering on a greedy corporation with only circumstance for proof is right in his wheelhouse and the show would absolutely welcome a legal battle with Merck if it came to it. They would eat that shit for breakfast.

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Until more people speak out, until more concrete evidence can be presented, this story will not be picked up.

It doesn’t matter how much anyone fixates on a public figure wanting to cover the story. There isn’t enough of a story TODAY for them to do so.

Maybe he’s friends with the guy, maybe someone knows someone.

Mt point stands, Joe Rogan will absolutely be receiving endless offers of guests to talk about a million subjects.

What are we offering? We don’t even have a spokesperson with the kind of credentials you’d need to put forward a story like this.

I’m not trying to argue with you, per se. I’m just tired of people presenting media as a potential savior instead of actually acknowledging that we have work to do ourselves.

We honestly have had people saying “if we all tweet at (then president) Donald Trump…” people would rather spend their time daydreaming about that, and it’s obviously nonsense.

Anyone reading this who disagrees, stop taking about it and book an appearance on Joe Rogan.

Update: sorry if this sounds harsh, I just feel that starting another year with dreams, ifs, buts and maybes is a great way to ensure we waste more time than we need to.


He is definitely not the epitome of “bro science”, he’s one of the only ones who actually dares to look at controversial stuff. His latest podcast was with Dr. Robert Malone, one of the big researchers of mrna vaccines and a persona non grata on mainstream media because he dared to say that we don’t know what the side effects of mrna vaccines will be.

Also understand that “post finasteride syndrome” IS “bro science” in the eyes of many, going on Joe Rogan or not won’t change that fact.

He’s the biggest podcast in the world, his reach is immense and will do MUCH more for awareness than anything we can set up, that’s a fact. Also the comparison with BBC is ridiculous, no shit a national network working on an international scale is bigger than one guy.

He is also very interested in male issues and because of his bad experience with finasteride I’m sure he’s willing to talk about it. Mitch would be a great person for this possible podcast.


Joe Rogan is absolutely the epitome of bro science. I used to listen to his podcasts regularly before the guy fried my brain with the incessant nonsense he spewed. He literally had a doctor on there the other week claiming it isn’t possible to catch Covid twice which is complete and utter drivel. Anyone who fact checks his podcasts will find multiple inaccuracies in every episode.

Well, yeah, that’s the point I was making since the the user I was replying to claimed his audience was bigger than all mainstream media when, clearly, “no shit” it isn’t. Additionally, the fact we’ve been contacted by a BBC employee over potentially making a short documentary on PFS it’s actually a very appropriate comparison to make since you say appearing on his podcast would do more for our exposure than anything we can set up.


I didn’t know BBC contacted you guys to make a documentary, if so I hope you are going to make one.

Also you’re talking about a short docu, I doubt that will be as interesting and thorough enough to discuss the subject compared to Joe Rogan’s podcast format of 1+ hour conversations. Anyway, downplaying the influence of Joe Rogan is ridiculous, BBC or Joe, any of these two will help our cause.

And yes Joe has controversial guests, of course people make mistakes in uncensored, sometimes 2+ hour long conversations. That doesn’t make him a “bro scientist” at all. We also know how worthless “fact checkers” are with their own biases and agendas. Hell, there was a lot of controversy not long ago about CNN lying and trying to frame Joe rogan about the Ivermectin situation.

If Joe’s a “bro scientist” then what are we? Don’t forget PFS is still not medically recognized and controversial. Thank god we still have some people like Joe who want to listen to opinions and stories outside of the mainstream…

There’s little point in us having a back and forth over the guy’s credibility as it’ll get us nowhere and isn’t a good look for the site.

Since we can all agree that a member of the community appearing on his show isn’t viable at this point I’m going to close the topic as there’s not much else to be discussed here.