It's too hard when I can't sleep

The day when I slept less is too painful.
Every day is hell. My head is paralyzed and I can’t turn.
All kinds of symptoms occur.
The most serious thing is that the brain doesn’t have the ability to do it.
have no human connection
I’m miserable and I want to rest.
Does time really solve this?


Some of it gets better with time, yes. Also it gets better and worse in stages. What improves and how much (and how quickly) is individual.

Hang in man the sleep should improve it takes time, I’m starting to get better sleep now after almost a year since my crash


주용님 요즘도 많이 힘드신가보네요 ㅠㅠ
물론 저도 힘들긴 힘드네요… 물론 작년만큼 힘들지는 않은 것 같아요. 시간도 점점 흘러가고 나이는 점점 먹어가는데 그냥 이 상태의 원인이 무엇인지라도 좀 알았으면 좋겠네요 ㅠㅠ 이 사이트에서 하고있는 설문조사 참여하시고 베일러 의대의 연구결과를 기다리는 것 만이 답이 되지 않을까요. 정말 힘들긴 힘드네요 ㅠ

It’s been six years and I still can’t get used to it. Fuck