I’m at the Turning Point -
bedbound and depressed or back to live - but the blamage to be a sexuall looser and chronical sick for the rest of my live bring’s me down and I hide myself in bed all the time - Please Help!
I dont want to blame all the sad and lonely guys here, who are so weak, that they can’t get off bed anymore. This ist another topic.
Since Easter when I realized the sideeffects of Fin and I stopped I am bedbound. From my Body I could stand Up. I have to buy food, to clean my House, to organize my live, but have no drive to get out of the bed…Im total afraid going outsite, I Panic in the Supermarkt, I panic to meet people, don’t call friends back, I don’t eben want to see my little daughter living with her mother in the near by City.
Every day I tell myself: Today I ll start again and nothing happens, my only Hope ist that after a androgen therapy the drive to live will com back! Whats the alternative, surrender, suicide?!
So do you know this feeling?!