Hey guys, I ask this because watery semen has been one of those annoying symptoms for me that has gone away and come back a few times now (and I’m over a year off the drug). I used to use topical Sustain Alpha sporadically and I remember on one specific occasion this past winter I had watery semen after masturbating after I had used the topical Sustain for a week when I didn’t have watery semen 3 weeks before that (At this time I was trying to refrain from masturbating in hopes of helping my ED and testing my libido). I stopped using the Sustain and the watery semen eventually went away.
Since then, I haven’t had watery semen for several months. Now I’ve been using Sustain Alpha Liquavade for the last 3 weeks. Masturbated last week and it wasn’t watery, but just did it again today and lo and behold…watery semen. Over a year off the drug and watery semen just happens to return out of nowhere and it seems the only variable that could have caused it is the Sustain Alpha.
So I guess I’m looking to ask, should I drop the Sustain Alpha? Thing is, it’s only helped my libido and my erections but seeing an old Fin side effect return automatically makes me think I’m regressing. Perhaps it will go away on its own, but I’m not too sure on buying into that wishful thinking. Just looking for any other opinions on what I should do, should I continue it or drop it completely?