Isotretinoïna, Fisiopatologia, ISRS (Català)

Desculpes, no parlo català. Això està escrit usant un traductor.

Aquí hi ha un article útil sobre el nostre problema compartit. ISRS, fisiopatologia, isotretinoïna.

Compartiu l’enllaç al nostre lloc estem treballant junts per resoldre el problema.


Does anyone know if the PFS Foundation and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona have any kind of relationship/contacts?

Does anyone know who wrote this document? (which seems to be part of a periodic publication by the Catalan Institute of Pharmacology Foundation -the institute is part of the Universitat Autònoma-)

It says below who are the different directors and editors of this periodic publication (Butlletí GROC), but not who wrote this specific article.

Btw, really nice to know that I can now go to the doctors or researchers with information about PFS created by a local University and written in Catalan. I remember some years ago a doctor told me “If you can only find some remote info in English and absolutely no one in the whole country has written anything about it, you should start realizing that this is not a real thing, but just another internet fenomena”.


It would be great if you could contact this doctor and kindly inform him of this article andremind him of the words he spoke years ago.

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