Is there a way to treat our high cortisol?

I understand the root cause is epigenetic changes to our receptor so it’s hard but has anyone managed to reduce cortisol in any way? Maybe with some sort of supplement or medicine?

The way psuedo cushings is supposedly treated is by curing the illness that is causing the pseudo cushings but we can’t cure this…

I feel lost tbh, many health issues and no doctor to help

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Its very tough @kathy all of us are in the same boat. You’re relatively early on in this disease which should give u hope that time alone will bring some improvements. Hang on to that please. I do understand that every moment in this feels like an eternity but many do improve to a degree. Hang on in there


Hi Kathy.

I was basically a living zombie for two years, partly due to cortisol issues.
What did help to some extent during that period was a low-carb diet.

Try a ketogenic diet and see what happens.
Many of us have felt lost just as you, but we are here to support each other.

The typical intervention for high cortisol seems to be stress management – improve sleep, remove environmental stressors (both physical and emotional), moderate exercise, and meditation.

Ashwaganda is a frequently mentioned supplement in the context of high cortisol, but it can be risky for people with 5ARI-induced problems.

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Wim Hof breathing daily

10 minute meditation daily

There are a few ways to combat high cortisol, if you are diagnosed with it.

Excersie: Yoga, meditation and walking/jogging in nature.

Food: Eat carbs in the morning, avoid stimulants.

Lifestyle: Make sure your circadian clock is on point, go to sleep same time and wake up same time every day. Keep a cold and dark bedroom.

Supplement: Ashawanga (may numb feelings), Rhadiola (maybe), Curcumin (good effect) and melatonin (to reset circadian rhytm).

Ashwagandha has a higher risk of causing permanant anhedonia in many people, i too got anhedonia from it but went away after quitting.

All of these burned me at different points. Curcumin was a good friend for two weeks then I crashed. The others didn’t agree with me after one pill. Be careful what you try what helps one can hurt another. Many many stories showing this on here

My Cortisol ist to Low…

If you have high cortisol you probably have some difficulties to sleep, try melatonine at very low dose (for exemple 0.25 mg), it should reduce your cortisol level