Is there a way out?

Hello people,

in the last few days I was spending a little more time than usual on this forum since my hope of natural recovery is slowly fading.
The feeling of realizing that there’s nothing out there which actually brings my libido and strong erections back is frustrating.

So I was searching for recovery stories to boost my hope and will to go on with a positive attitude.

Are there any recovery Stories with credibility? Did >longterm< user on the forum make progress? Not the ones who made a recovery-thread and left. There are too many stories of recoveries posted after a few days or people weren’t even experiencing PFS.

Maybe some other users, who read this, can also need some positive vibes.

I am sorry to tell you, but IN MY OPINION, if you have a real PFS, there is no hope for natural recovery. Based on what I am experiencing and on what I have read on this forum during tens of hours, perhaps hundred hours. :confused:

I kind of feel from your post hopelessness that I have and need for any hope that I have too. I don’t think, unlike many others here, that false hope is hope. But everyone has a right to believe in whatever he wants. For me, recovery stories are total bullshit. Nobody, from long-term sufferers, wrote a credible recovery story.

In terms of full recovery, this forum can’t do anything. Yes, there are improvements in symptoms, but again, I don’t think it is advice from people here that help us to experience these improvements. It is time. And again, slight improvements is not what we want, you just suffer a little less. We need a cure.

As I view this forum, this forum has only two purposes.

  1. It helps us to cope with what happened to us. That way you know, that you are not the only one.
  2. But most importantly, thanks to few dedicated and really hardworking people here, we have a real, even though very small hope, we will be cured one day. If someone told me today that I would be cured in 15 years, I would so happy.

Our only hope is sticking together as a community, awareness and mainly funded research. Unfortunately, this community is too weak, irrational and undisciplined. Including myself. Going public with broken health including sexual health is just too difficult.

Sorry about being too negative.


Hey, there’s a general acceptance of “get better, disappear” which I hope we can end. There are people who we know to have posted extensively, felt better, not posted for months and then crashed themselves, only to return. Had they not crashed themselves we’d never have heard from them.

I think it’s really shitty that people do that and I think the community would do well to take a more supportive role. That means looking out for other people, not hoping that someone will check in on you.

If people here treated this as a place of support and friendship, rather than a place where someone will post a shortcut to health we might find that we’d have both more people involved in the projects which will lead to us being taken seriously and to real solutions being found, AND a community of people who have experienced this and are able to offer support and hope.

I think that natural recovery is very possible and that people will generally see improvement with time.


Hello bro… i agree with @Cashews1. If u are suffering that real “receptor related androgen insensitivity” pfs then its hopeless. I am just 22 and suffering heavily since 10 months…mentally i am somewhat better but physically, i see no hope. I too wanted to know if there is something called a natural recovery but no, i don’t think i will ever recover except if some miracle happens, improvement with time may happen but will never be like pre pfs. Most of the recovery stories are tame, its of those people who were already responding to hormones and suppliments, most people here don’t. If u have some small managable symptoms then u should move on with life.

If u are looking for some hope, i can tell u that i felt really better on Oct 20, when i took just one tablet of proviron. I didn’t feel anything for 2 weeks but then idk how i started responding to it and i was fully functional for a week but then it faded away. Incidents like these gives me some hope.

As of now u can create a member story and fill out the survey.

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I agree with @Greek. Imo the only way to heal from this condition is if your body does so naturally, and that usually occurs within the first 1-2 years (although some have healed after several years). I don’t know why people still expect a substance to cure them. Chronic conditions generally never have a cure, they have treatments. Unfortunately this disease has no treatment (so far) that has consistently and reliably helped victims.

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Many people here have pfs since a decade but they didn’t get back to pre pfs. Improvements may happen but full recovery is almost impossible.

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And most people just stop posting. It stands to reason that the people we would hear from most often would be the ones with persistent problems who are looking for help, reassurance or news.

I’m a realist, but there’s no need to be pessimistic in the absence of good data.


Most of the people stop posting becoz for them it’s of no use to post here anymore. There is no cure that can be found here, so most of em just accept and adapt to this pfs body and just move on, nothing can be done about it. Then suddenly if some “i am cured” post appears out of nowhere, many people who were lurking appear again, becoz it gives them some hope. If we see most of these ‘i am cured’ posts, they are just tame recoveries who got cured with fad diets and suppliments. The only recovery who made me think seriously was that @pal post, not that post but actually that theory.

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I just wanted to let everyone know that betea superba and choline have made me feel somewhat normal again. The brain fog and head pressure subsided.

I’m not going to argue with you, because neither of us have the information.

I can tell you now that I am significantly better off than I was 2 and a half years ago. My experience is that recovery is both possible and gradual over more than a year.

I am not saying other experiences are less valid, but it’s not necessary to assume that people ceasing to post means that they haven’t recovered.

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