Is there a good chance I recover?

Hey, this is my first post to which I’ll update my journey (hopefully thats short lived)

I started taking topical finasteride last week, I took 3 doses of 1mg before I started to get a horrible brainfog and lack of concerntration. Its been 4 days now since I took my last dose but I feel like things are getting worse… i’m getting pretty bad insomnia (6am as i write this now) i seem to be having panic attacks where i shake uncontrollably for around 30 minutes. I feel like i’m disassociated its difficult to explain. its way more difficult to obtain an erection and I feel like my libido is decreasing day by day…

What is the chances that i’ll recover once DHT is restored, are the odds in my favor? I really cant live like this… sorry the post is so low quality i’m just in allot of shock, does anyone have any advice for me?

Also want to note prior to taking finasteride I already had tinitus, visual snow, anxiety and depression… just wish I was more informed before I took it…

I’ll update this post every 7 days until I consider myself recovered.

Zero, if u have severe symptoms like muscle wastage… mental symptoms might get better within a year or two. Don’t take any kind anti-androgen anymore and try to eat healthy, there’s nothing else u can do.

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Hi @Royales

Welcome to the forum and I’m sorry to hear about your experience.

Can you please update your story using the template provided when you have a chance? It helps us better understand the symptoms you’re dealing with.


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After a few days symptoms must not be PFS. Maybe the side effects go away with the half-life of 5 ar. But it’s good you are here, that all the cases documented how young guys with severe symptoms under and after treatment of Finasteride suffer weeks and months of panic if the symptoms go away or they are confronted with livelong persisting and life changing PFS like the community here. These are really uncountable cases.
Tressless subreddit is full with cases of side effects and many guys panic for their life, while many others call them fear mongers and it’s all in your head.
We here can understand your fear we all have been in this state.
I wish I had been informed better. Yes on check in the internet. But I believed the gaslighting leaflet and a ugly character if a doctor who gave me the poison just to try without any advice to the horrible side effects.

The stress that you’re experiencing is probably causing a large chunk of your depleting libido. Excessive amounts of cortisol can cause insomnia and panic attacks. Try to calm yourself down. It may be too early but I’d suggest finding someone, like a therapist or good friend, and talk to them about your issue. It’s good to have people to help you cope.

No one knows your chances of recovery except God himself. I’m not saying that to discourage you, but it’s all about your genetic makeup. I believe based on data, your chances are quite high of them being temporary side effects that take 2-3 weeks, maybe couple months, to disappear.

As @anon74895881 mentioned, try not to take anymore of that solution. Wear some gloves and toss it in the garbage.

Didn’t get much sleep, feel dizzy… desperate for relief

Keep getting panic attacks feeling suicidal when i have them and constant trembling

unlivable, if this doesn’t clear up and I have PFS i will end my life without a doubt, i cant even take my mind off it because nothing is enjoyable right now.

Only hope is that its only been 4 days since taking fin, i’m clinging onto this praying it will go away after a short time

There’s a good chance you’ll recover. It’s only been 4 days. Give it a couple of months

Buddy… Its very hard… You say you will kill yourself in this state but the truth is you cant able to do this. Its will be very hard to live like this if your symptoms just getting worser and worser. This disase is the most cruel in the world. Be very strong buddy. If nothing will change i think your family will care for you. Be greatful for this
Your family will support you. I think you can live with them if they loves you. That will give you power. Your family will always be with you.
They belive your disase???

I think you have good odds to be fine. Just don’t use more 5ARI, not even Minoxidil or anything.

That’s the thing there is a pill that makes us living deads and than there is no chance to end up our lives in a human way

Had some relief last night after talking to my gf for long hours, she’s very supportive and keeps telling me it will pass, slept very well, managed to fap this morning shortly after waking up, brainfog/disasociation is back now tho, it seems to be directly related to my anxiety, when i get scared and think about pfs the symptoms pop up in full force.

Sorry buddy. I think you pulled the ass card.
This shit will destroy your life. But your family will be with you thats a very good thing. Maybe your girlfriend stay with you forever. She loves you very much she wont care i think you will be impotent for a lifetime. Love beats everything. Dont be afraid. Be strong mate!!!
Im thinking about you!!!

I understand you’re nervous but I believe you have a very good chance of recovering. The amount of exposure is very small and you’ve done the right thing by quitting as soon as you experienced sides. Give yourself more time before drawing any conclusions, it’s way too early. In terms of chances, I would trade immediately with you, no questions asked. Good luck & keep us updated!

Pretty much recovered now, maybe some slight symptoms still persisting, was a scary ride…

Things i thinked helped:

Heavy lifting
Spending time with gf
eating clean
not visiting forums and reading about horror stories (this seemed to give me extreme anxiety)

This will be my last post here unless things suddenly reoccur, you will all recover from this, dont lose hope it will just take time, stick to a routine and stay healthy, do not give up ever, I wish you all a speedy recovery.

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I’m glad you’re feeling better, but this wasn’t PFS. You just experienced on-drug side effects that resolved in an expected timeframe.

Best of luck.

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I feel like there’s something else we should tell this guy…warn him about…but I can’t quite remember.

Oh well he said he won’t be back, I’m sure he’ll be fine.

I REALLY wish the amount of exposure curtailed the level of severity and longevity of the symptoms. :frowning:


I’m 100% confident his symptoms were likely not Finasteride-related. It’s a good chance he has been on this forum for sometime; reading up on the drug and decided that topical may be lower risk. Then when he finally took it, the nocebo effect kicked in and he started getting all these sides, but in reality, it’s all psychological. His symptoms are the same symptoms of a person having major anxiety – the more he thinks about PFS, the greater the severity. I’m not saying that each person on this forum has it all in their head, but I think it’s imperative to dissociate from people like this from the actual sufferers.