You have a cousin with PFS?
His PFS symptoms were not as severe as mine, but then again, I also took Accutane twice, Lariam once, and a bunch of antidepressants that fuck serotonin supposedly so I am worse and now disabled.
He admitted to me some cognitive impairment that went away, but his real lasting symptom is insomnia–he can ever sleep more than a few hours per night.
Me and him both lol (on top of sexual dysfunction)
So emotionally and cognitively I feel sharp and generally in a good mood. I’ve been 30 days clean from weed so I’m past anxiety/depression stage.
My penis though is getting worse and worse. It’s becoming more flat and much more flimsy in addition to the shrinkage. Also more veins are becoming prominent on the shaft of my penis. I notice it most when I have pants on because before I used to have a natural bulge in my groin area, but now its practically flat.
My insomonia is getting worse too. I cannot sleep more than 2 hours before I wake up. I’ll do this about 3-4 times a night for a total of 6 hours. Surprisingly my nocturnal/morning erections are stronger than ever probably because of the REM sleep that is no longer inhibited from my weed habit. Based on how I feel I don’t think it’s from my withdrawal from weed because I have never had a sleep cycle like this before.
My libido is still also practically at zero and I still have a numb penis but I can get an erection still with physical stimulation but only if my girl is doing it. I can’t give myself a boner to save my life.