Is there a biomarker for PFS? (important)

on Monday I have a meeting with a doctor in an university hospital, the first point of contact for PSSD in my country. Are there any biomarkers for PFS that I can ask and testing for?

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While not a biomarker, ask for a “high sensitivity” Estrogen blood test. The numbers will not be normal for a male of your age and your testosterone to estrogen ratio will also be off.

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In one of the studies they did (not sure if it was the melancangi study , I think so ) something was identified in the spinal fluid from PFS patients .

If this is with a GP or regular PCP then it’s gonna be a mammoth task to try and get one of those !

Interesting …the high sensitivity estrogen is different to the regular estrogen test they do on bloods ?

I had a regular estrogen whilst I was still in L.A and although it was on the higher end of the range it was still in acceptable amounts so they did nothing …of course!!

Depending on your symptoms, some tests are suggested in the admins’ paper

There are many avenues by which to pursue immediate clinical evaluation of PFS patients beyond appropriate basic endocrinological and urological evaluation, and these should account for the specific symptoms of individual patients. Serum creatine-kinase levels may be worthy of assessment during the post-withdrawal crash period or subsequent periods of muscle wasting, as some patients have reported elevated findings. Histological study of affected muscles, including the markedly AR-sensitive perineal muscles, would allow consideration of signs of atrophy and myogenic defects. Area calculation of the bulbocavernosus via ultrasonography has been suggested as a measure of decreased end-organ activity of androgens ​(Gupta et al., 2017)​, and this could potentially be a low-cost and non-invasive investigation in PFS patients who have experienced atrophic changes. Electromyography to assess abnormalities including signs of perineal muscle denervation may also be worthwhile. MRI protocols including localizer scans, T1-weighted imaging and 2-point Dixon sequences have proven a useful measure of muscle appearance and diffuse involvement in SBMA and could be useful in the phenotype profiling of PFS in patients with broad muscle atrophy. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry of bone including lumbar/thoracic spine, femur and sites of complaint, along with serum C-telopeptide testing to assess bone mineral density and trabecular bone health may be worthwhile in patients with bone-related symptomatology and who report structural alteration. Lipid profiling of patient cohorts would additionally provide insight into metabolic dysregulation.

Dexa body composition analysis is a cheap way to look at fat, muscle and bone health. its fda approved.
There are variations depending on whos offering it, here’s one example.
They have this type of scan in my city, it was fairly cheap with no dr order needed.

DEXA is FDA-approved and quantifies your lean, fat, and bone mass (to identify osteoporosis), and visceral fat (which correlates to your risk for hormonal imbalances and disease)

I am from this “approach place” for PSSD sufferers back and can only say that it was complete waste of time. I should have been skeptical that it was going to an outpatient clinic for psychiatry instead of sexual medicine.
The doctor literally told me that I should go back to SSRI, agomelatine or mirtazapine, all the usual shit that gave people PSSD.
My suggestion to at least try lithium or parnate was rejected, and all the questions about medical tests like androgen sensitivity were ignored.
Lucky for him that I can’t get really angry since PSSD, otherwise I would have freaked out.
Modern psychiatry is the biggest scam in the medical history of mankind, It’s all about money.
Fuck this world that forces (young) people to “live” or go like this!

This is outrageous. You mean they claim to acknowledge PSSD, but would endanger a person susceptible to PSSD with further SSRI use?

Have you outed this clinic as being a sham to rest of the PSSD community?

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Yes I have opened a thread in PSSD forum to warn others against this clinic.

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