Is there a "Best" option in terms of treatment?

Just curious as to whether what (if any) treatments seem to help the most people? Is there a consensus as to which treatment option most people seem to have the most luck?

Also, is there any treatment I should stay away from, or that can make my sides worse? Because when I first thought about treatment I was like hmmm, why not take DHT and an AI? But I read somewhere on this site many people got worse on this protocol. And I’ve read many people have tried HRT with no luck, including HCG. Any luck with Acupuncture?

Just asking because I have many sides that most of us do (low libido, ED, Hypogonadal traits, brain fog, depression, concentration problems, etc.) And I just don’t want to make anything worse than it already is.

My current Endo/Naturopathic doc wants to put me on a cream based Testosterone/Progesterone treatment. I have taken several blood tests that show low T, LH and FSH in the 4 range, high prolactin and E2. She claims The Progesterone will block the topical T from converting into E/E2. I’m just very inexperienced in this subject, and my brain fog limits my concentration abilities.

Any insight/help/advice would be extremely appreciated. Thanks.

Besides cialis for ed, alpha blockers for shrinkage and vitamin D for general health not much has shown any effectiveness for a broad range of people.

Well I’m not sure I need anything like Cialis just yet, as I can get it up, I just don’t have a high enough sex drive to be interested in sex. What is an “Alpha Blocker” exactly? I haven’t come across that term or treatment yet (Sorry I’m such a noob!) And yes I need to start with the D3 as I know it increases our Free T.

Anyone have any success with Acupuncture? I am going to start treatment with it sometime in the next month. Seems interesting since it deals with the free flow of energy within our bodies. It seems like the safest approach also.

If your biggest concern is low libido. Well you got off pretty easy…

Really? i’ve been on this site for more than a year and i’ve never read about these alpha blockers for shrinkage. One specifiC name of a drug that seems to help with shrinkage?


Minipress-Prazosin. Ejempl.

I’ve never heard any of this before…do a lot of people use it? Does Dr. Crisler recommend this? More positive than negative stories from users about it? Just asking because this all all new to me.

It’s a quick fix, it’s a vasodiaolator agent I believe so it can allow blood flow down there. Does nothing to address root of the problem. It appears that side affects are minimal

Prazosin is pretty mild as far as sides go… first dose can cause lightheadedness thou.

You may build up a tolerance to it [alpha blocker] though, just like everything on here, so be aware of this in case you need to up your dose. I started on 1 mg myself which worked for a few weeks, then had to bump it to 2 mg and then ran out. It also works best (at least in my experience) if you eat healthily (including fresh fruits and vegetables) and also probably if you stay active if you can help it (I don’t know because I didn’t because unfortunately I have little energy these days).

i thought someone said they developed peyroines from using alpha blocker?

@op go all organic food diet, exercise,

Yea that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. I am convinced this is not a Hormonal issue per say, but a Central Nervous System/Pituitary and Hypothalamus problem. (Maybe this is a given, but hey I’m new here!) It seems as if our bodies are producing a lot of hormones, vitamins, minerals, etc at decent levels…but they are not being metabolized correctly.

I see a lot of people with Hypothyroid side effects, although their levels are normal. That would equal a pituitary problem. I’ve been reading a lot about Vitamin B12 deficiency can really effect our brains and functioning. An unhealthy CNS will deplete the body (specifically the brain) on B12.

But…there are ONLY 2 specific types of B12 our bodies should be taking in. The first is B12 Methylcobalamin, and the 2nd is Folate. B12 Cyanocobamamin, which is the most commonly used B12 in supplaments and Multis is basically useless to people and in many ways has a negative effect on our bodies. So many symptoms/diseases get overlooked purely on B12 deficiency. And this is the most important supplement for our brains.

Maybe a lot of people have tried these specifically, or maybe this has already been discussed, but in my opinion it’s all a Neuro problem. I’ve seen people here recover or have some success with Selegiline (which opens up our Dopamine receptors) So I am convinced of it. Well that’s my 2 cents on it. Any comments/opinions would be welcomed.

I’ve been looking at light at the end’s progesterone + deprenyl method. I will speak with my doctors (an endocrinologist and a neuroendocrinologist) who I’m seeing very soon about this method.

prazosin did nothing for me, trt (nebido injections) have brought me from 0% libido to around 15-20% .muscle mass has also increased. I quit it tho, cos I dont like taking TRT injections.

I would say just don’t take testosterone, antidepressants or roaccutane. One study shows normal testosterone levels but lowered LH levels as if the body is saying don’t produce any more testosterone we perceive to have more than enough. Increasing it will compound the issue.

Things with some debated benefit:

Vitamin D
Niacin - mixed
I’ve had a degree of success on doxycycline (not a cure)
Quercetin and broccoli extract - also contains sulpharopane - taken most of my prostate pain + doxy away
Fish oil

Unclear whether overmethylation or undermethylation is at play.

actually my last 2 blood tests showed extremely high lh