Is there a Benzo that doesn’t act on 5ht receptors?

It’s coming to the point where I have no choice but to do some risky therapies for my gut which is causing anxiety with physical symptoms

Ambien helped calm it down but I can feel it slowly coming back

I have no choice but to pull the trigger on a decision soon. If there’s a Benzo for anxiety that has the least chance of fking me up I’d like to know about it

After that whatever happens is on me

Have you tried phenibut in lieu of a benzo? If you’re messing with Ambien - I wouldn’t even worry about a benzo.

In my own opinion, klonopin is your best bet. For it’s half-life alone, I get away with 1/8mg per day with no anxiety issues. I’ve attempted to withdraw from it, and haven’t experienced the significant benzo withdraw symptoms you commonly hear.

I’ve also started to stimulate the vagus nerve manually (via the ear) and that immediately provides some calming effects and drops my heart rate.

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Haven’t thought about phenibut because main issue is the anxiety, is phenibut good in that regards?

Thanks I’ll try the vagus nerve stimulation

Edit: just did a round of ear vagus nerve stimulation and Holly shit I can’t tell if this is placebo or what but it feels like my anxiety reduced

Jesus Christ lol @tjanok

Which ones do you do? I found a random YouTube video

But I’d like to research some therapeutic regimenes regarding this

I lean heavy into the anti-inflammatory side of tackling this thing. I found it surprising what simulating the vagus nerve can do in that regard. :upside_down_face:

I do the inner ear, with a light rotational movement. Never want to push too hard. Then pulling on the ear in any direction firmly, indirectly sends signals to the vagus. Even soft touches of the lobes produce a nice feeling.

Phenibut is used a lot for anxiety, but can have withdraws and build tolerance very quickly. I would recommend (in a non-medical speaking opinion) taking a benzo, just once, and see if you feel better. Assuming you do, and you have a GABA “dysfunction” - like most of us do. Then phenibut would be a nice alternative.

It took awhile to dial my dose in, but I can take it once on a Monday, and feel it all the way into the weekend. On top of red light therapy, breathing techniques, and lately the vagus stuff. I have almost 99% control over my heart rate and anxiety. Hoping if I do this long enough, I might be able to permanently stop the stupid anxiety.

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The herb Lantana Camara acts as a benzo.

It has been reported that extracts of L. camara exhibit CNS depressant action,
muscle relaxant action and significant anxiolytic activity comparable to Diazepam


This is 1 of my all time favorite herbs. I found it helpful pre-saw as well as post-saw. I harvest it wild for free and use all parts, the leaves, stems, roots, berries, flowers. The ripe berries taste like a cross between black currants and cherries. The leaves, stems, and flowers have a pungent, minty, sage sort of taste.

Other sources claim it’s “mildly poisonous” to which I call bullshit fear-mongering. After all, saw p is “safe” and “good for men’s health” according to sources yet it ruined me, landing me here. The plants that help me the most are the “poisonous” ones, oddly enough, yet I was ruined by a “safe” herb, go figure.

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Took another Ambien last night out of desperation at 3Am because I woke up with my stomach on fire from anxiety

Fell asleep quick without any panic attacks. Bloating reduced on stomach but my face looks like I gained 5 lbs

Sad to say I’m moving in back with my parents who are very worried about me

And getting Valium prescribed which I’m terrified of crashing with or getting withdrawals from

Have meetings lined up with various gastro professionals who are well regarded to get to the bottom of the my gut issues which will hopefully solve this anxiety which seems to be mostly connected

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