It’s decently nearby so if so I’d really like to participate in it. I know the post was from quite a while ago but does anyone know if there’s a chance? Thanks.
Depressedguy, it seemed I cannot respond to PM’s. My symptoms are essentially that I do not respond to androgens at ll, even in extreme dosages. I am talking 5 grams of Testosterone weekly with absolutely no response. Can you point me in the direction to get accepted into the study? Is it alright if I took Propecia without a doctor’s prescription. I ordered it from an overseas pharmacy, I’m sure like many here did. I hope that’s not an issue.
Harvard Contact
Allen Papazian
Clinical Research Coordinator
Men’s Health, Aging and Metabolism
Brigham and Women’s Hospital
221 Longwood Avenue, BLI-549
Boston, MA 02115
Baylor Contact
Satpathi, Shatabdi