Is somebody recovering/recovered from PFS while using an antidepressants?

For those who have PFS and we must take antidepressants cause we had other pathologies like OCD, Bipolar, Affective Disorders.
Anyone has recovered or is recovering even if it’s taking them?

I was prescribed paroxetene because of anxiety and insomnia on the back of taking fin. I had no history of such symptoms. I had a recovery for nigh on 6 years apart from occasional brain fog and emotional outbursts. I wasn’t aware of pfs or I would never have touched either.

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Fuck antidepressants. How can a poison cure anyone? Antidepressants has a long history of making people commit suicide.


Some people has no option and they need to take it.
this is why am i asking.

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I’m also interested in trying anti-depressants.

I have made massive recovery with my androgen levels, currently sitting at 930ng/dl total testosterone natural. ED is gone. Libido is still non existent however.

However my nervous system is totally fried. I can’t engage in a conversation with someone or even look at a computer screen for more than 10 minutes without my sympathetic nervous system ramping up to the max. I can’t exercise or do anything stimulating due to my fried nervous system, Anxiety is also through the roof. The only way I was able to recover my testosterone levels was by avoiding all triggers and through parasympathetic nervous system activation, day after day for months after month.

I have read that antidepressants increase allopregnanolone in the brain, my logic in trying them is to see if the increase in allopregnanolone can help with my brainfog and the increase in serotonin to decrease amygdala and sympathetic nervous system activation.

I have just started Prestiq and Seroquel. I am desperate and looking for a quick fix to my extremely low tolerance to stress. Someone talk me out of this.

Breathing exercises can work very well at alleviating short-term anxiety.

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Are you guys blind or something? Antidepressants are arguably more dangerous than finasteride itself. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions of victims permanently disabled by these pills that work no better than placebo. We have a tendency to think that only the medication that caused the initial injury is capable of causing such severe damage, that can’t be further from the truth. Stay safe.


If you must use antidepressants I would avoid SSRIs (Lexapro, Prozac, Sertraline) avoid SARIs (Trazodone) and also steer clear of SSNRIs (Venlafaxine ) .

The Antidepressants I believe do the least damage are : Mirtazapine, Amitriptyline and Wellbutrin .

Wellbutrin has long been known to help libido damage and ED from SSRIs and improve sexual function in general - although I find it sends anxiety through the roof for me .

Amitriptyline is an old school TCA that helps with Sleep, chronic pain and depression, although if you have existing heart issues it’s not recommended and I have never used Mirtazapine but I know it’s a more modern drug that helps with sleep and depression but can cause weight gain in most users .

  • these are just my opinions after taking nearly all of these drugs listed except Mirtazapine and learning what works and what doesn’t for me .
    Always talk to your doctor etc :+1:

People that took pills to make their hair look better in spite of known risks are also inclined to take pills to try to feel better. If you notice, the vast majority of talk here regards taking more pills even though pills are what got everyone in trouble in the first place and we also have long since established that there aren’t any pills that significantly help PFS anyway. You could say that the biggest problem with the community is the very same one that created it in the first place — a fascination with quick fixes and disregard of risk.

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If you have a mental disease, most of them since you are a child or a teenager, sometimes you don’t have an option.

The funny thing is I completely agree with what you’re saying - there is such a risk from taking more pills after they’re the reason we are here in the first place !

When you think about it , there’s a risk from taking anything . A painkiller , a multivitamin , an antihistamine ,
They can all potentially cause reactions, side effects or even an allergic reaction yet those ones in particular are used by so many ,their chance of causing a reaction are lower than others.

I’m not saying anti depressants are a magic cure for PFS , nor am I suggesting they are to be taken lightly or without intense research behind them , BUT if they can help with a persons quality of life and just make things a little …’better’ , then I think they should be considered and at least have an open discussion about - on this forum , that’s what it’s here for .

Whenever I see the word antidepressants anywhere, I get these 2 names in my mind…
@AnhedonicApe @zadig777

I don’t believe any sort of antidepressants can cure anyone here, I won’t give antidepressants even to an animal. Antidepressants are unpredictable, certainly even more dangerous than Finasteride becoz u are playing with core of the brain function and I believe these drugs should be banned asap.

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Maybe in some cases, but many other things have been proven more effective than ADs such as light exercise, proper nutrition, social contact, regular sleep schedule, exposure to nature, etc. Anyone neglecting to do those things first instead hiding in basement subsisting on potato chips while “researching” happy pills on internet forums has things backwards.

I have finasteride induced anxiety and trazodone helped a lot, along with pregabaline. The most important thing in recovery is unfortunately time. Meds are just a stick you can lean on.

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