Is PSSD/PFS a brain damage?

99% of the scans show we have no structural brain damage at all, including mine. Just our nuerosteroids are really fucked up.


Your standard MRI WILL NOT PICK UP BRAIN DAMAGE caused by pharmaceuticals. The majority of TBIā€™s arenā€™t even picked up by an MRI physicians just go off the symptoms. Finasteride does cause brain damage thereā€™s no question about it. fMRI and SPECT scan will pick it up but my advice to anyone getting these tests run donā€™t mention Finasteride for your reasoning to get one; doctors have a way of gaslighting you and will protect the industry they serve. If it comes back you have brain damage you will know what caused it.


Yeah but something like hippocampal atrophy would I think? Also I donā€™t doubt our fmri and spects are messed up. Think 4 ppl have gotten them across all forums. 1 normal and 3 abnormal. But it doesnā€™t show organic brain damage just how the brain is functioning. So lower neurosteroids etc would cause these tests to come back faulty same with androgen receptors etc


The first one is my case. QEEG can show brain function only, but it canā€™t determine the cause i.e. whether it is actual loss of neurons or receptor, neurosteroid dysregulation etc. But function was indeed on level of a severe TBI. Good thing is that in cognition/physical symptoms I improved. PSSD remained yetā€¦

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