Is it possible to have PFS after the first day of taking a pill?

So yesterday for the first time i started taking propecia(finasteride) for MPB.
a few hours later i started having a weird feeling in my testicles(like butterflies and discomfort) . The discomfort continued until now, 24 hours later. and i’m starting to worry.
My question, is it possible to have PFS after taking only 1 pill?
Thanks in advance.

It’s possible as I only took a single pill not to scare you of course but it should be alright. Just don’t take anymore and wait until a month you’ll know if you have PFS from the symptoms.

What did you take and and how much was the dose?
how long have you been suffering from PFS?

The way I would describe this situation with PFS is very similar to that scene with Robert De Niro in ‘The Deer Hunter’ where they are all playing Russian Roulette in Vietnam.

Every persons body is unique and a medication that does X,Y,Z for one person may well just do X, Y, Z + A for someone else. There’s no way of knowing so taking this pill is like playing that Russian Roulette.

It’s proven that one time exposure to Vinyl Chloride can cause brain tumors, can 1 pill exposure of Finasteride cause PFS?? we just don’t know , regardless of what doctors and pharmacists will tell you.

Merck put the drug Vioxx to market…which is one of the most famous medical lawsuits of all time. It caused the deaths (directly) of 3,400 and over 25 million people were exposed to it. Personally , I don’t trust these devils who could do something like that, who clearly have profit valued over peoples health and well being.
My suggestion to you for hair loss (as it’s an important thing of course- mainly why most of us were here in the first place!) would be to try PRP treatments and also the Laser comb device. Laser comb is FDA approved for hair loss just like minoxidil and finasteride so give it a try before laughing it off…read some of these horrific stories on here and you’ll see that combing with a laser device is better than Russian roulette with the devils own Merck medication

We do know that one pill can cause PFS. I developed PFS from 1 mg of Finasteride, as did many of our members. Some PFS patients used less than 1 mg.

Not to jump on what you’ve said (as you probably aren’t aware of this) but we have members (@Rogainestudy, @Rogain27niz to name two) who have developed this condition by using Minoxidil and/or Ketoconazole. They are two of the substances listed in our Patient Survey; both are antiandrogenic, which is believed to be the common mechanism between all the substances causing this condition. I have therefore edited out your recommendations of the two substances.


Stop while you still can, one pill is enough to ruin your life completely.

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We do know as can be evidenced by at least 6 members here including myself. It is powerful enough to disrupt the endocrine system and alternate hormones as well as many other mechanisms. My life has been destroyed over night from taking one pill


It’s possible…

but don’t worry.

maybe you will quick recovery.

Heard! Well…I’m still using those 2 substances. Only topically of course , however I didn’t realize people are affected by those 2 things as well. It’s good to know , I’m just new here and just really coming to terms with all this stuff to be honest. It’s been brushed off for a while as this or that, depression, burn out, etc etc before I faced up to the idea it is from the finasteride

You are taking an enormous risk. You have a problem with anti androgenic substances. Don’t use them.