Is it possible to have a second crash?

About 6 months ago when I came off fin I lost a lot of weight and muscle mass but I managed to recover from it.

Now I have started to lose a lot of muslce and fat again. I feel like I’m going through a second crash.

Has anyone else recovered fat and muslce then lost it again ?

you lost mass in your lower legs and lower arms?

Yeah my arms have got very thin.

Mark, when you said that you lost muscle mass but regained from it before this possible second crash…did you initially loose muscle mass in your legs that you regained? I hate the fact that my legs got really thin.

Yeah my legs were thin before also but the problem I have now is that my bones feel really weak I feel like I’m in an old mans body.

Yes, it is possible, i ve had two crashes.

Please correiovip and the others who had crashes, tell me if you had any sign that your crashes were inflammatory driven. Did you overmasturbate, did you eat excessively, did you eat junk food, did you stress your pelvis/perineum in any way, did you had bad sleep or similar things? I can tell that in my case my crash was preceded by a urolgical palpation of the prostate, that probably stressed the pudendal nerve, or the prostate nerves. Honestly I still haven’t understand which are the prostate nerves and what is their role in the erection physiology.

Yes, I i did stress my pelvis before crash and hole healthy maybe even more. That crash happened during my last pill and it has been so far the only crash.
I have think about how did I stress and did that cause the crash because I now realize how bad my habits were. I crash in winter and it was cold in here. Lot of sitting in cold and excessive sitting in general, almost 10 hours at time. I did not exercise at the time hardly nothing. Then I drank 5-8 cup of coffee depending on day and one day before crash I was drunken. Overmasturbate can be add to the list as well poor diet (sometimes junk food) and I at the time I suffered from mental problems. My situation was crap before fin alredy and more worse after it.

I think I’m on my 3rd crash now because of all of a sudden I’ve started to loss a lot weight partially around my face. I can feel the bones on my face which have got very thin.

Its very strange that more than a year after I stopped using fin some of the side effects are only now starting to hit me.

I think so, yes. Soon after my first crash I would have slight improvements, but even the smallest stressful situation would re-crash me. That was in the first 3 months off the poison. Much improvement has happened since then but there are still “down” periods which are usually marked by increases in either anxiety or depression. None of those dips have ever been as bad as the first 3 months though. Also as I am more likely to recognize downturns now, I tend to take action quickly, trying to counter the moods with herbs, supplements, meditation, or exercise. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. I see that here a lot- people talk about each crash being not as bad as the first. So that’s good.

Yes, I crash every few months and get weaker each time.

im on my third crash at the minute,my first was six years ago when all this started,the second when i tried progesterone cream earlier this year and the third about three weeks ago after being under severe stress for a while,my body has felt like lead,extremely weak,sunken eyes,black rings,totally dead inside,but i seem to be coming back out of it,soon be feeling ok again :stuck_out_tongue:

Had two violent crashes over a decade apart.

First finasteride, then from ZMA/zinc, sleeping pills possibly and too much alcohol and wanking (first mini crash last year aas during the second lockdown and spent too much time indoors)

Were your symptoms the same each time. Did you lose muscle. I’ve lost muscle Both times and can’t sleep both as well. But I’m worried this time the losing muscle is from something else?

Yes but a load of other sides too.

Did you regain the muscle? Its the scariest side imo.

I seemed to regain most of it. Legs not all. Went from 170 to 155 and got back up to over 170. Not all muscle of course. Took about a year. But seem to be losing more leg muscle this time. I’m worried it could be Als. Has there ever been a documented case of a Als case from a propecia sufferer.

Losing muscle fast. Down to 155, where I was with my first crash 8 years ago. Can’t sleep but an hour a night for weeks. Doesn’t seem to be slowing.