Is it possible that i get pfs due to high belly fat and too much aromatase?

I have a lot of belly fat and look like a pregnant woman. My E2 is 50 with a scale of 20 to 50. My T is on the low side for my age and DHT is bottom low too. Is belly fat the culprit? I took 2.5 of letro once every week and didnt make significant difference except it helped with morning erections and showed top of the range testosterone in a medical exam. What therapeutic approach should i try? Would weight loss help me? Is estrogen dominance responsible for pfs like symptoms? Would taking some dht medication like proviron prove beneficial? I would appreciate the help of a member who is an hormonal connoisseur. English is not my first language, thanks you for being understanding. PS i never took any pfs causing medication.

Yes it’s definitely possible, High E2 will lower your T and DHT levels. Although I wasn’t fat, I had high E2 after finasteride use and I couldn’t ejaculate and gave me an enlarged prostate.

If I were in your position, I’d work on getting rid of the fat and that could possibly lower your E2 and restart your HPTA. But don’t over exercise I’ve read someone else here who over exercised and developed PFS symptoms, I wouldn’t even mess with medications if I were in your position, I would just work on reducing your fat.