Is fluconazole an anti-androgen?

I’ve got oral thrush and been prescribed fluconazole. I understand ketaconazole is a 5ari, is fluconazole okay?

Looks like unfortunately all of the “azoles” are @Northumbrian.

What about Nystatin?

Fluconazole is anti androgenic, but to a much lesser degree than Ketoconazole.

I recommend you read this:

They found that Fluconazole has the least effect on T secretion and AR inhibition. But it did have some, potentially negative effects still.

“Furthermore, rat studies showed that hepatic cytochrome P450 activity is inhibited in vivo by FLUC and ketoconazole”

Also this is worth noting:

“Besides environmental exposure, individuals can also be exposed to conazoles via pharmaceutical application. FLUC has a pharmacotherapeutic application and treated patients showed serum levels ranging from 16.3 to 25.8 μM after oral administration of 200 mg FLUC per day. It should be noted that these blood levels are higher than the maximum medium concentration of 10 μM that caused an inhibition of T secretion by MA-10 cells in this study. Moreover, the fast uptake rate with a Tmax of approximately 2 h together with the plasma half-life of approximately 30 h in humans suggests that significant internal exposure to conazoles can occur, possibly even resulting in accumulation of these compounds leaving more opportunity for causing (adverse) effects, e.g. inhibition of CYP enzymes.”

FLUC = Fluconazole*


I’ll give it a read, thanks for sharing.
Do you reckon it’s worth taking? I really want to get rid of this thrush, but at the same time I really don’t want to crash again considering that I’ve mostly recovered nowadays, I’m looking at Nystatin as an alternative option which isn’t a conazole.

I don’t like to make any medical advice since I don’t know your situation first hand, and I’m not a doctor neither had oral thrush.

Just reading about it, it seems like a symptom from issues with the immune system.

Do you have any underlying condition that you know of?

Nyastin does look to be quite nasty to, is it a mouth wash formula you looking at? I’d say a mouth wash is better than tablets going systematic.

I’d start with making sure my mouth hygiene routine is on point, then try some home remedies like washing my mouth with water and baking soda or water and apple cider vinegar. Eat a healthy diet with not to much sugery stuff.

Maybe try some oral probiotics like biogaia chewing tablets.

I don’t know if this would help you, but it should be quite benign and might be worth a shot.


If it’s of any help, I’ve broswed this forum quite estensively and never came across a single crash induced by probiotics.

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Cheers for the advice, my thrush seems a lot better today and the pain has went down massively. I think I’ll hold off on the antifungals for now and continue natural treatments for now, I’ll look into probiotic yoghurts. If things get worse I can reconsider but I don’t want to take the risk atm, my PFS symptoms have improved massively this year and I think I’m heading for a full recovery one day - I absolutely don’t want to risk crashing again.


Is there any evidence to support that?

Nystatin is ok, but most anti fungals are going to hurt you w PFS.

Look into Monolaurin