Is Emotional Blunting reversible?

Emotional numbness, Blunted emotions, Blunted affect or any name which means you can’t experience both positive ( happiness, Excitement, Love, Enjoyment … erc ) and negative ( fear, sadness, hate … etc) at all.

what is the reason for blunted emotion and is it really reversible ?

what we have got study-wise ?


our best bet is either:

  1. new MDD drugs that increase allo/gaba (most are in trial stage)
  2. cure for us

though some people have made some recoveries by waiting or taking some allo boosting drugs like baclofen which has its risks of dependency and other bad side effects

so allo and gaba are responsible for emotional blunting ?

I have seen people feeling emotions on baclofen so I was interested why

i mean its just speculation but yeah its likely

Baclofen inhibits gaba interneurons from the VTA to the nucleus accumbes and this causes some euphoria. Opiooids works similarly in regards euphoria
Yes, I got windows of emotions here and there, I believe fixing my hormones will cure my numbing


I’d say for the most part Yes.
Of course I can’t speak for all instances
But for me personally I was always fine with feeling emotion during all of this.
But then I crashed really fuckin bad 5 months ago and truly felt no emotion for a few weeks.

Eventually it did come back. I started enjoying things. Laughing. Cried a bit at very sad movie. Not sobbing but emotional which I was grateful for.
So yes it can come back. I thought it wouldn’t but it did for me so hopefully that helps ease your worries some