Is cycling a supplement even twice a week too much?

I took Resveratrol every day for about a month (this was about 4 1/2 months off the drug) and my libido was coming back pretty strong, as well as better bloodflow to the penis. Unfortunately, my body seemed to adapt to the drug as my improvement in the ED department stagnated and my libido dropped again (non-existant on fin, very weak right now).

So I’ve been off the supplement (and all other supplements besides fish oil) for about a month and I’m looking to start up again. This is my list of supplements I plan on using:

Sustain Alpha
Resveratrol (Biotest’s Rez-V)

Now, I’m looking to do it right this time. So basically, is it alright if I cycled Rez-V and Sustain Alpha twice a week each (and never on consecutive days)? Or could I still risk adaptation?

You may be able to get away with twice a week. Once a week would be better. You have to experiment.