Just go for rife machine and his history. And the suppressing by FDA/AMA.
Take a look online how many people were treated by chemo and died and what the average “cure percentage” is. Ridiculous.
You need to do real research. Once again, I know people being cured with alternative medicine, you don’t. And those people had all possible standard treatment which destroys the immun system. This one is the most important dealing with cancer. Guess what: the immunotherapy in the standard medicine is uprising. You should go for chemotherapy treatment and the causes of death this treatment allows.
I thing it would be a good thing to inform you comprehensively about the causes of cancer (which are seldom genetically caused) and all possible treatments. When you have done, we can discuss together again, no problem.
Did you know that the Hamer Method (sounds strange to me anyway) is used in Israel? They are real leaders in treating cancer. Did you know they wanted to stop WLAN in preliminary schools?
Have fun going online and educating yourself a bit about that subject.
Anyway, it is not about c. Everyone will freely decide what treatment he will have, whether it is standard or alternative way.
You cannot heal the body with drugs - every doc knows that and will answer you that if you ask him.
Are you practicing medicine?
Anyway, cdsnuts protocol is a generally good one for all. But you don’t need all this herbs and cannot treat some pfs symptoms, we know that as some tried so.
The most important thing is for me that most people don’t know that some herbs in some quantities have synergetic effects and need to be taken regularly for at least two to three weeks to start working.
I was a competitive athlete and took a mix of certain herbs in a certain percentage (important) to regenerate, to increase testo, fsh and so on. I was horny as hell on them and had even bigger ejaculate volume and power. (I got it from a pharmacist who is supplying professional athletes).
You said that you know that cancer can be cured with a holistic approach for everyone right?
I think we have heard enough of your nonsense. You said you dont even have PFS, so I am wondering why you are spending your time here anyway. Stop promoting your nonsense websites. Thanks. Open your own thread for that.
When someone comes up with studies, he is not credible.
You are insuating things again. You might have time for that. Insuating, that I can cure pfs or cancer?
Show me that line. Unless you do so, you are not credible. Show me - I studied law, too. So, show me.
It shows that you lack of reading capacities.
I have not pfs? You know it, of course. Maybe that’s why you don’t practice medicine…who knows?
Who has the time and power to post thousands of lines as you?
You studied medicine, but are not practising it, right? No question. You had your education where once again? Harvard, London, Zürich?
Once again, you can tell cured people DIRECTLY IN THEIR FACE that the alternative way they needed to go to get cured from cancer, was a hoax (after they got worse by standard treatment) Go, have the balls to do so. I will pay you flight to Germany (even from Afghanistan among solvepfs). I want to see your face reacting to those statements.
Shame on you. No comments more on your bs as you are a tr…
SHOW ME THE LINE? You cannot find it? Hm, what a surprise…
pvdl - I have pfs, unfortunately. But you lack of reading capacities.
So, I cannot help you.
I hope you have checked the link…if not, do it. Everyone can do it and build his own opinion.
That is freedom of opinion.
I have heard you are cured by medicine from pfs? Right? Or do I lack of reading capacities?
You did take fin after reading the instruction leaflet? You did trust the studies, hm? I guess…Who developed fin, hm? And now you are fucked up (as I am) cause you trusted the studies you still believe into yet. Welcome to sarcastic land, welcome. I just hope for you to get out of this mess with help of the medicine or biological science AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I don’t give a lot about my life, but I hope for you. And to be sincere, I hope that science that caused this can help all of us back into a normal life.
Time will show, time will show if a cure will come. One thing could be - as the sane with c. - that it is not curable. Hm, I want to see the reactions then.
Read my post again - do you want to meet these people or not?
This is best, not just creating theories. I guess you won’t.
Everyone is free to research online about the different ways to heal c. and is free to listen to people having done so.
There is a guy in Germany who treated his lung c. with alternative methods (even drinking some herb tea), he was diagnosed to live 3 years cause to his huge tumor. The tumor disappeared and he still lives. A doc! helped him without offering standard route. It is found on ytube. It was a big tv station showing this interview. There different people. Guess what: This survivor was attacked by a doc representing the bph. If you believe what you believe, I have no prob with that. But I swear you, lots of people (it means much more people) will get cancer in the next 10-30 years. (official statement from our phar…in Switz…) If you know why, you can do something. If not, have a good day.
If you are interested - send me an email or private message. If not, good luck. Out of here.
You sound like you’re acting very defensive on the use of words here. You don’t say Merck, you don’t say cancer, you are careful using words to not make it sound that you claim anything, or get accused of anything. but instead you claim “alternative medicine” cures serious illness i.e. cancer
you constantly ask people to PM you to show them your protocol and you seem to have access to many reports of cancer patients whom who claim to have been cured by holistic medicine, and you’re even willing to meet in person to show us these reports of a disease we don’t even have.
Some expressions could be censored. There is no other point. But if you think, there is one, okay. Let me invent one…
You are insuating - always. No problem. Unless you are not willing to come and see and to discuss, there is no sense going on. You don’t need to know why I have these information or who I know. It is abstracting.
If you were a practicing doc, obviously without pfs, you would prescribe fin. Cause you believe studies. Now after having believed in the studies from the science and taking fin, you are on the other side, fucked up right away by the methods or system you find credible. Welcome to sarcastic land. This is odd.
The last comment: I know several docs which wouldn’t undergo (just) a standard treatment and I know docs with private clinic going to the nonmedical practitioner (a very sofisticated one) in Germany to treat different diseases (like breast cancer). But, of course, I just say that to make me non credible again and to tell bs and hoax stories. Irony off.
Noprop you keep resorting to adhominem attacks and playing victim. That really tells a lot about your (lack of) character
You are a fundamentalist who is here AFFIRMING hat alternative medicine like a tea, can prevent or cure cancer.
Science is critic and it frequently disproves itself by criticising it’s own findings. But it does so with methods and process that are scrutinous and rigorous. Not with the justification; “this is wrong because I don’t believe it’s right”
PFS may just be result of corrupt health authorities or sabotaged results and nothing to do with science as a whole.
Exactly what is not needed is to have people who are fundamentalists such as yoursel shouting how science will not find a cure.
Your justification for alternative medicine curing cancer is saying that chemotherapy is not particularly effective. How about you show me where alternative medicine is effective instead?? You’re just pointing out something
everyone knows re chemo
And skin cancer may just be the result of corrupt industry or sabotaged ozone layer and nothing to do with earth as a whole. (What difference does it make).
Maybe the same scientists who created finasteride already know how to reverse its effects, but how does that help us?
I seriously doubt theyd have a cure at their premises when we’re ztruggling so hard to find even the root cause. Theres basically no literature on this.
Merck didn’t even acknowledge the problem, why would they have devoted time and money to develop a cure? I’m quite certain they don’t have it.
Which is precisely why some sufferers and relatives of sufferers United efforts to put together a foundation and research into PFS.
What I’m saying here is you’re targeting the wrong enemy. Science is our ally, it’s the best way to find us solutions.
You are playing the victim and unfortunately you are one. You are attacking greatly and not responding to the link I sent you. When you took fin, your analytical capability were the same as now? Right?
Congratulations. Merck couldn’t have better clients who believed the studies. But you believed in and are now fucked up. Congrats. Your logic was to be fucked up finally by fin due to believing the studies which are logical. Why not trying a little logic yourself?
This tells a lot about your character.
EGCG is known (green tea extract) and there is a great study posted on solvepfs.
The only problem is, you need to read. I give you the opportunity to excuse your attacking. You attacked me cause I was mentioning a tea preventing cancer. Otherwise I think the admin should read and qualify your stuff.
And here is the link: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3509513/
So once again, did you read the study or not? Unless you do so, you are a storyteller and inventer and insuater at finest and who is rejecting the fact people got cured by non standard. Of course, all those people are inventing their success story, all of them worldwide. It is a conspiracy group of thousands of people organized by the holistic docs, I guess.
You haven’t answered yet if you are willing to see the people got cured by non standard way. I guess you fear that situation as it would destroy your image of what is possible or not.
But instead, you are developing further attacks on me.
So, what about a meeting in Portugal or Germany where we can sit down and discuss from man to man? Or do you fear that, too?
Of course not, they weren’t. This is impossible to get cured otherwise than with chemo. No, absolut impossible because Mr. Xp knows it due to his believe in studies which got him to decide to take fin and being fucked up by approved! science. What a joke, man. How sarcastic is that.
I guess you didn’t even reached the 30s, so you must be young enough to learn and see more in your life.
And btw, we all hope that science can bring all pfs people out of this mess.
But as long you don’t accept the freedom of speech of others (not just me), it would be good for you to read again what it means. If not, it seems you are the fundamentalist here.
If you go on insulting me with that though you know the rules of freedom of speech and opininion, I guess it would be a good idea to inform the administrator. Best
In that article they identified that there is a compound in green tea, which was extracted and then tested by a scientific process, EGCG, which may work for chemoprevention - they didnt even mention curing late stage “austherapiert” cancer like you claimed, and they were careful enough with their claims. It was also only tested in a couple of specific types of cancer cells (in vitro) when the most common pattern in cancer is that there is not much of a pattern among the cancer cells, or even among the different types of cancer!
Its “some” evidence, that it “could” work, if the EGCG “could” reach a therapeutic dosage in the cells, to do “chemoprevention” in “some” cells of some types of cancer. Its a long way saying it cures uncurable (austherapiert) cancer like you claimed to happen with holistic methods.
Therapeutic claims must be based on good evidence, e.g. controlled clinical trials. So let me attach you a FAILED trial for EGCG in prostate cancer prevention:
There is a long way from in vitro to invivo… thats not to say the EGCG is useless, its an interesting compound - all flavonoids are very interesting - but you cant just claim it will cure cancer in patients with late stage, otherwise labeled as uncurable patients, like you did!
I’m just saying, dont believe all the hype, thats how you end up loosing buckets of money! Thats how many of us spend lots of money on suplements withouth any ROI! Its easy to take advantage of sick, desperate people. You just shout the words cure and thats it, money flooding in! Health claims should be based on high-quality, randomized controlled trials. With anecdotes, we can never be sure about cause and effect. If you want to try something, at least try something with fairly good evidence!
Furthermore, like i said above, EGCG is the result of a scientific process where they extract the compound. The same science you seem to despise - “my science”. And this is actually how many drugs were found and synthesized, which is why they end with phase:
EGCG is about as holistic as Saw palmetto extract, which has screwed people over and over here. You seem to forget this little detail…
If an alternative therapy ever did turn out to be that efficacious, it would become mainstream even before all the clinical tests, to prove its efficacy, are fully concluded. That happens all the time with medications. When you talk about an alternative cure it seems to presume that conventional scientists and clinicians reject a treatment simply because it originated from the realm of alternative medicine. Thats not true at all, but its the cue i get from you.
Anyway this hasnt much to do with PFS, why did you bring up the cancer subject?
If you accept or not, is not interesting me. I am talking to people here on the platform.
Reporting is my idea - so don’t copy just ideas from others…
But anyway, I think you have understood so far.
BTW are your sleeping issues getting better by taking the drugs or are you already in the state to sleep without them? Could the drugs cure your problem? Sleep is very important for the mind.
Sorry, I cannot link you the studies saying sleep is important. I hope you believe me.
Insightful post by @a3c3 on cdnuts and his tools, i.e. fear and bullying.
Since the thread started wants it deleted I will copy paste it here for safety:
I tried using the cdnuts protocol once to promote world peace, sadly it didn’t work. The protocol itself is essentially a bag of natural health therapies which are already established in their own individual right. Surprisingly this cdnuts protocol has nearly doubled in size all these years later and now includes a bunch of other therapies that were never originally written about by nuts. So I assume he is now claiming he recovered using additional therapies so make of that what you will.
It’s ironic how the cdnuts cheerleader asks how many folk here have tried the protocol. About 8 years ago when the apparent nuts protocol was promoted, hundreds and hundreds of guys here tried it out back when membership was active around 4,500. Many of us here interchanged ideas and discussed outcomes publicly and privately. Sorry to say there was no great cure of PFS.
The amount of successful recoveries using the nuts protocol amounted to nuts himself and the great English. Some believed English was cdnuts while others claimed Englsih set up a PFS website with nuts. A handful of guys with very mild cases of PFS claimed some improvements but then again as the Endocrine system can naturally recover within a few years of suppression, there was no actual medical evidence to prove that improvements did come from this selection of therapies.
In the past year since the introduction of a new health forum abbreviated as HS, Dr Nuts new place of residence there has been quite a number of people coming to this forum making claims they have been cured by the protocol. Make of that what you will but essentially hundreds of guys tried it 7+ years ago with next to no benefit and suddenly in the past 12 months hallelujah, the nuts protocol is curing many conditions under the sun.
Interestingly nuts who claimed to be cured of PFS is still around promoting these natural therapies 7+ years later. Either he is The Good Samaritan we read about in Bible Studies or he is making a good living from PFS and clearly doing very well financially to still be in the health game.
As previously mentioned there has been lots written about the different therapies in his protocol and I have never been against anyone for doing them but the benefits are exaggerated. These therapies are often recited by likeable personalities working as fake health gurus in their private seminars pitched in town halls, small theaters, conference rooms etc. Group presentations and individual advice also extend to the popular Skype.
The gurus often make spurious claims that they have seen patients make miraculous recoveries referencing fake testimonies or they themselves recovered and are now here to help. Cover stories sometimes involve the guru saying they are actually studying to become a doctor/medical professional or claim to have achieved medical certification’s through examination bodies that don’t exist.
One of the favorite protocols is the removal of toxins/pathogens which eventually allows the human body to regain natural functionality and lead to patient recovery. Spurious claims are those made without actual facts or medical studies to support them and are often linked to a complicated medical theory which the fake guru ties in with human biology. Success is also dependent of faith/belief meaning the guru tells the audience they must keep believing throughout the treatments. At this moment the guru transcends into a faith healer but the audience remains largely unaware.
These protocols can often take over a year to do properly which is a good length of time to make money from the patient. If the patient doesn’t fully commit to his/hers new protocols then the guru simply tells them they stopped believing so no refund is given on advice etc. Seriously, when was the last time your GP prescribed you a medication and told you, you must believe in this treatment or it won’t work?
My answer to a3c3: One of the dangers of obsessively trying to cure yourself via the help of a health scammer is getting stuck in an emotionally taxing loop that only benefits the scammer.
Great post. I especially like this insight:
His actions only serve to generate fear and make people believe that they have no other option but to believe in his protocols, which seem to grow each year. In turn he pushes people away from donating in research and public awareness initiatives pursued by the Foundation. It’s a clever strategy designed to keep people afraid and turning to him for help. When the protocols don’t work people still think he’s the only one who can help so they say nothing. He is using fear to control people and an administrator’s position to control what is said about him. Control, manipulation it is what it is.
That is a very intelligent observation (i.e. that cdnuts works with fear). Cdnuts tells people that their life is over if they do not recover. That they might as well kill themselves if they do not succeed in “defeating” PFS. And then the next step is to present his fraudulent protocol as the ONLY solution.
This is of course false in two ways: 1) Life is not over even with PFS. 2) His protocoll is nothing more than an fraudulent enrichment scheme, designed to maximally deplete PFS victims savings.
I agree: One of his most effective tools is fear: Your life is over if you do not believe in me. Its sadistic, sociopathic behavior. And the perfect example what this leads to is bizzbee: His whole life is centered around him trying to cure himself and failing. He is in an eternal loop. Its a pathetic way to live.
At the end of the day, the best thing a PFS guy can do is try to achieve his goals that he had before and donate to the foundation. The rest is nonsense.
So when you buy into his protocols you are allowing yourself to be controlled and manipulated. In some ways it is no difference to bullying, using a perceived power over a weaker person to control them. That is the person you put your trust in.
Also very insightful. He has bullied an entire community and many followers are adopting this behaviour. As you say: He says he is the sufferers superior because he had the “strength” necessary to cure himself. Total bollocks. Once you accept this framework you turn into his slave.
I would differ on two things though ac3c:
There is no “your or my” truth. There is only THE TRUTH. Its universal and not dependent on the subject. Otherwise we have to call it an opinion, which is of course not truth and cant be compared to it. When it comes to a medical treatment protocol, it either works or it doesnt. And it is just a fact that cdnuts protocol is just a way to transfer money from the sufferers bank account to his bank account. It does not work and is a waste of money and emotional energy (i.e. the fear and disappointment).
Cdnuts protocol is not worth a try. It involve 21 herbs. Its (understandable) desperation that gets people to try it.