Hey everyone,
I’m just wondering if anyone else is experiencing side effects as bad as I am? I’m not even sure if what I’m going through can be considered brain fog anymore. It’s impossible for me to think and concentrate anymore. I can’t keep up with conversation and have to use filler words like “thing” and “stuff” constantly. My typing and texting has been so off, it makes it extremely difficult for me to even type this short message. I’m so scared. I feel like my brain is rapidly deteriorating. If anyone else is on the same page, let me know I’m not the only one going crazy here and what you’ve done to help alleviate the symptoms. Thank you.
No it is something we all go through. The only thing that got rid of it for me was to completely clean up my diet no carbs sugar alcohol and your brain will feel normal again but it its hard to live like it and no fun : (
It’s happened/is happening to enough of us that lack of mental clarity (or brain fog as others call it) is right there in the check list of major symptoms.
I experienced it myself, and it lasted for several months before resolving all on its own. It was accompanied by feelings of malaise and I would get fatigued very easily. Easily enough that I would come home from work (just a desk job) and immediately go to bed. Weekends were spent on the couch just waiting for the time to pass.
What helped me the most in getting through it all: Acetyl L-Carnitine, Fish Oil, and Vitamin E. I also made it a habit to run several miles every evening.
Same here buddy. Once it stops getting worse… It will start to get better. Its scary as hell but its true… You need to give this shit a year or more and it will get better.
It’s been about three months now since I’ve gotten off Finasteride, but I’m getting new and worse symptoms every week. At the rate I’m going, I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last. My hands are so shaky. My brain is constantly aching. I feel like there’s a disconnect between my brain and my body. I can see myself thinking of the action before actually taking that action. Does anyone have any idea what I should look into getting tested? I only took Finasteride for about 17 days so my testosterone isn’t as low as most of the guys on here, I don’t know if it’s going to continue getting lower even though I am no longer taking the medication. Does anybody know how that works? I wasn’t able to find an answer looking through the forum.
any relief from this? any suggestions?
Jarrow brand Citicholine and phospsytlserine (ps 100)
Takes a few weeks to kick in… 2 each per day
Did this work for The depersonalization feeling?
It works with brain fog/memory, focus for sure, it may help with the deprersonalization , definitely doesn’t hurt