Is anyone else concerned about Coronavirus vaccine?

Our bodies are highly sensitive to certain ingredients.

Just imagine you getting a forced Coronavirus vaccine and then moment later, your connective tissues deteriorate, you’re paralyzed, you lose your vision, you’re in pain, etc. What will you do then?

Is no one else concerned about this?

No point worrying about a vaccine that doesn’t exist.

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No this sounds like anti vaxx nonsense. I’ve gotten plenty of vaccines since pfs

I will never take that garbage.

Jesus no wonder the scientific/medical community doesn’t take us seriously


I won’t let any western allopathic pharma drugs or vaccines touch my body now. I don’t trust anyone of them.

What garbage?

So if you were bit by a rabid animal you would just get rabies over the vaccine?

Might sound stupid but yes, better to die of rabies than to suffer it’s medication adverse effects.

I think people don’t understand that having PFS causes your body to react in ways modern medical science doesn’t understand.

There are people whose bodies deteriorate after ingesting vitamin d or k supplements. How does that happen? If you said this could happen to a doctor, do you think he will take you seriously?

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